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Everything posted by HornetsHomer91

  1. ik its verbatim but 12k still looks decent on paper somehow must be the backend thump, idk didnt look hard im at work shouldnt even be here lol ...... for what its worth 3K was pretty equal at 60hrs (end of its run) placement wise, 3K may have been 25-30 miles further east but no big deal
  2. someone is gonna get some screenshots later today
  3. EXACTLY CLT metro atleast on paper was the winner there so track looks fine the rest will take care of itself as Tiger said
  4. exactly it definitely is still there and track looked great to me lol for same folks probably CLT - GSO points N/W
  5. its still awesome its euro still agreeing within 5 days look at Galax lmao
  6. i was 17 .... it was a Sunday night ...heavy rain all day then 5-7" that night , next weekend it was 75
  7. can i just say .... this, overnight someone will receive LIFE ALTERING snow from the NAM and i will be quicker to take a screenshot than everyone for Bronny Babys shot last night......my point im just happy to be here at 5 days and in
  8. THAT LOOKS FINE.....i mean for us over here N/W of 85 anyway .... can we not have the sarcasm or pulling against one another every model run please? i mean my god we may actually have something to watch just be happy
  9. its a start lol ^^^ id say no thread until 12z tomm and with some more improvements jmo
  10. Yea not being an Ass Gray, but it’s like you Copy n Paste the same whining Comment ANYTIME there’s even something to remotely even type about in here…. Plus man not being mean, but even in a good winter you’re in a Bad Spot Climo wise that’s just the way it is, it sucks but none of us can control the weather …. If we could it wouldn’t be any fun imo .
  11. glad its the euro and not the gfs.... if its here Monday i will be all in
  12. Just Posting (I would normally put in Obs but it’s dead)…. 4 miles EAST Of Mooresville in the Sticks …. Already down to 10.7 think we’re gonna crush that 6 forecast .
  13. yea would be teens Christmas Morning for NC verbatim 13 at 12z 12/25 in N subs of CLT
  14. I give this Winter a B+ …6.5” on the season Total and Had a 3.5 week span where I did nothing but track opportunities. Only 2 worked out but still. Wasn’t a very cold winter but it produced for what it was imo. I had snow in spots for 16 days and saw Snow on Snow once. See you guys next year …. Everyone be safe and start cracking open the Natty Lights and hitting the lake
  15. That’s all I want…. One last Thing to track lol
  16. Gotta ride the line lol i still feel better that EURO/UKIE are on it and not just the GFS…. The fact they ALL have the storm only happened once in January that was the first storm
  17. I looked at the 6Z GFS …. Poof unfortunately. But maybe there’s another Beast in there That last week of Feb/Early March has been good to Nc more than a couple times in my 30yrs
  18. Oh no, so do i…. It’s the way he comes across now days. “I told you so” “see I told you nothing would happen” to me is all….. it’s just pointless smug imo
  19. Why is he so smug now? He used to be so cool…. Now it’s like all he wants to do is “I told you so” forecasting like he has something to prove by being First to Say something won’t happen…. Brad, You’ve got 100K followers on Twitter we know you’re reliable man don’t be like that. And as annoying as it is, for the love of god can Mets stop adding “Not a Forecast” or, “Stop Sharing These Deterministic model runs” like yea no sh*t, I’m sorry if someone is stupid enough to believe a model that says 30” of snow in Augusta GA like the storm a few weeks ago….. well that’s natural selection imo. But it’s like all but Maybe 2-3 Mets just copy and paste each other’s “nothings coming” catch phrases now. Only a few that don’t and 1 is nice enough to post on this board from CLT. I mean be unique man so you’re own thing…… Sorry rant over
  20. If anyone is keeping track of Accumulations, Snowshoe 24hr total I measured 3-5” range for the 24hr total…. Although I think only 2” or so Of that came from the system the rest was What I assumed to be NW Flow all day today ….sitting at 10 degrees currently …. Maybe that band back west will come thru overnight.
  21. Yea that’s pretty awesome…. It was never a really heavy Snow but a few times it definitely picked up…. I’d say 24hr total of around 5” or so. It’s so nice too, super powdery and dry
  22. Ahhh that makes sense it was just throwing me I didn’t know if it was elevation dependent since I’m at 4800’ or what. Ik Southern Piedmont/CLT Metro Climo I have ZERO clue about any mountain Climo for any state lol
  23. Still snowing up here in Wv…. Can someone explain NW Flow? It’s been moderate snow for hours now but NOTHING on radar I’d say about another 1-2” today after 2” or so overnight
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