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Everything posted by HornetsHomer91

  1. For the CLT area …. My then 12yr old Self has memories of my dad Waking me up at 2AM leaving for work and it looking like 4th of July with transformers blowing so I certainly hope not
  2. I was 12 I remember it VERY Well I was in Concord NW Cabarrus County and can Verify that 3/4” Measurement may have been underdone we didn’t have power for a week …. K-Vegas Speaking or Newborns I will be here with my 4 month old Son alone lol My wife does Ultrasounds and it’s mandatory she spends the night at work tomorrow night so me and the Boy will be Tracking and enjoying boy time
  3. Exactly…. The Main thread is insanely Whiny. I find it funny it’s Doom n Gloom yet all CLT Mets haven’t budged a bit Crum especially at TWC 10-20” for Mountains 5-10” for Me but if you just hug models you wouldn’t see that. Experience…..> Models
  4. Ik we’re still 36hrs from Tip-off…. HOWEVER, which model CURRENTLY is even showing the Surface right out west? A bit far for now casting but my point is if it’s off now it’s gonna be off the whole run. I haven’t had a chance to look at anything I have 4 kids
  5. Look at the gradient there around CLT… tell me that’s not classic, Uptown 2-3” but step 30 miles N into Iredell you’ve got 6-8”
  6. Crickets on the main thread bunch of cry babies…. Literally haven’t seen the ground covered in 3yrs but we’re crying about having an Avg storm ….
  7. I’m out for Tonight…. These Cats are killing my Vibe. I get it, we’re not gonna get Lambasted with a historic storm but dang man …. Haven’t had A STORM at all in 3yrs I’m tickled to death to be forecasted 4-8” and some Ice that’s good storm to me lol see y’all Tomm may the trends be with you
  8. Do ppl ever use the NAM for anything except CAD Thermals? Seriously asking… although I will give it and HRR props…. Not everytime but if one of them start to toot the horn about something Bad I’d bank it
  9. You can see the Mountains Amounts so I will post here too
  10. Well that looks better to me….at face value anyway
  11. I ate some cereal , fed my infant and went back to sleep what did I miss? i heard the Low was now Flying 300 mph thru Louisville and Chicago was gonna get 6 feet but I may be wrong
  12. That’s not even possible to look like that on the surface there’s no possible way it’s Just NW of Charleston and Flipping Foothills are getting sleet 250-300 Miles on NW side that’s not a warm nose…. It’s just wrong science wise. You can tell it’s wrong, the 540 line is way up at DC and it’s showing Snow beneath it…. Sleet/ICE can mix in in what’s shown Pink here but it wouldn’t be all Sleet in Purple that line as I said Monroe- Raleigh would be Primarily SN off that track
  13. Exactly…. That look just track wise would be Money for Majority West of A line Monroe-Raleigh imo if you’re 175-250 NW of the low you’re in a good spot
  14. EXACTLY…. As WOW and a good handful of others have stated can we stop taking these Surface maps as Gospel…. So much more to it as you can obviously see
  15. This is true, lol. I can see Anderson Mountain in Denver If I’m at Duckworths here in Mooresville on a clear day so I’m gonna count it
  16. Ik this isn’t banter thread …. But I’m gonna hangout with you guys for awhile …. These guys in main thread our ready to quit again or ready to declare victory after each run…. Euro wasn’t that bad imo it just didn’t take some big jump to all snow like they all wanted….. unless your West Of I-77 it has no chance to be all snow imo anyway
  17. Forum about to need more bandwidth…. EURO about to become every weenies bff
  18. Isn’t Burrel the one that reeled the Random 3-5” Upstate event in Last year?
  19. You can move this to Banter if needed….. But yearly I ask this…. WNC = imo I-77 and West to TN (CLT -Winston) Central NC = I-77 - I-95 (Salisbury-GSO- Triangle) Eastern NC = I-95- Coast (East lol) I see ppl “Good Run for WNC” ect just wanted a board Opinion
  20. 2014….. That Saturday Afternoon NAM Run is the one that Set the Forum on Fire For The Storm Weds
  21. It’s Miller B…. It will Run the Apps but Transfer
  22. These people are major buzz kills …. Why even Let yourself believe it was gonna stay Money runs for 5 days ….. anyone West of Raleigh still in for a Major event I’m not understanding the doom n gloom ….. if you thought we’d get 10-16” of all snow Models we’re predicting 36hrs ago you need to find a new hobby, bc you’ve obviously never learned a thing by doing this year in and year out it’s called Climo….. I’m sorry S/E of I-85 you knew When Miller B was an option how this would play out, normal places that score will score again….. GSO/WS/MT Airy/Mountains CAD Regions win that’s just NC stop Crying we’re lucky we even have anything to track after the last 2.5yrs
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