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Everything posted by HornetsHomer91

  1. If you think we’re freaking out down here have you looked up North EURO destroys NNJ/NY GFS barely anything. I mean something’s gotta give at some point from SC to Maine all included
  2. Ik it’s wishcasting…. But man if that would just look like that over Memphis, Ark/LA borders . As much as it sucks currently this is pretty much a Climo outcome isn’t it?
  3. Well atleast it’s sort of consistent… it didn’t do that last week, just blew up with two dream runs and then died
  4. OP even looked rough for the Yankee Crew …. The freak out up there is legit… like dude omg were only gonna get 1 foot instead of 4 im gonna cry
  5. Looks like the NAM as far as Placement at 54…. Central NM
  6. I just need the NAM to still be showing this or better By this Time Tomm night…. Something be consistent either way OTS/Hugging Coast
  7. Wouldn’t but Book a Low that forms By FL be a Miller A? Or does that not matter?
  8. I’d like to see 24hrs of that lol then I’ll try to tell myself to invest….. jk I’m sucked in
  9. I just would like to have it and EURO trend West to keep me even interested at this point …. I’m about 24hrs away from surrender
  10. It’s not really that, it’s the phasing and timing garbage ect
  11. If we could get 1-3” that would put me at 7-9” for Season and I’ve had snow on the ground (in spots) for 9 straight days now so I guess I really couldn’t complain…. Hell before 2 weeks ago my ground hadn’t been covered since Dec 2018
  12. Aren’t we all to the point now where the 84hr NAM will slap us in the mouth with some unrealistic Scenario ? Atleast we have that to look forward to….
  13. Ik it’s a Tuesday at 220PM but it’s always telling when you look at the forum and no one has said anything in 45 min and we’re 4 days out ….
  14. Was just about to type….”The King has arrived” well was knocking at the door
  15. No I completely agree I just meant when it comes to difficulty I think NC Mets have top 5 hardest job in the country I think some forum Weenie could become a Met in New England
  16. Can we talk about easy it must be to be a meteorologist in New England? Like close your eyes and Sleep during you shift easy…. They have nothing to look at except track…. They always have Cold Air, They never have Mixing issues or CAD (lol)…. It literally must be as simple as “ohh hey it’s Cold out, here comes liquid yep big storm 16-24” maybe more that’s the only reason I’m watching the track back to you Bob for sports” no this post isn’t me whining it’s making fun of them
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