@msuwxAs far as your post earlier or the ppl on top of RAH office .... would it not be easier (especially in a situation like this where tiny tweaks could mean 4-5" and Trace -1, with more mixing over there) to just post the WWA and what you thought your floor amounts are, then tomm wake up and look at downstream and radar when its within 200 miles of the CWA? IDK I remember Panovich saying one time " No one will remember if you bust low, theyll destroy you if you bust too high". So just do WWA and tomm if you think Radar would equal WSW move up the totals then ? Thats a long winded way to say I agree with what theyre doing. So many ways this could change
Gulf Coast Convection (Robbing or adding liquid if oriented properly)
Slower transfer to the Coast
Warm Nose ect. PPL can be upset but no reason for anyone to show more than 1-3" for now minus extreme NE-NC/ VA Beach area who are prolly 4-6.