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Everything posted by winterwarlock

  1. latest nam is really tragic in its snow totals
  2. snow has begun again in Belle Mead after an almost 2 hour lull
  3. very skeptical of more than 1.5 inches...expecting sleet later
  4. sun trying to poke out in Belle Mead. Snow completely stopped. Snowed for about 90 minutes and got maybe half inch
  5. snow has ended here, everything really melting...maybe had 1.5 inches on grass
  6. sun now showing...i am calling bust given these light rates and melting
  7. yeah Im in Belle Mead and not impressed with the rates..its 34 now and the 1.5 or so on the grass is melting
  8. snow intensity has slackened the past half hour in my area. I am wondering if the HRRR had the right idea, current radar has the heavier bands to the east and northeast of Somerset county
  9. 1/2 on grass here. 1/4 pavement, snowing moderate to occasional heavy still 34
  10. snow picking up to moderate right now, not sticking to paved surfaces but now sticking to grass
  11. the hrrr doesnt seem that impressive at all with amounts
  12. snow now mixing in Belle Mead NJ.....34 degrees, my area is progged as the sweet spot for this storm
  13. Putting Somerset County in wsw lumping the with Lehigh valley and NW NJ just isnt right
  14. Lot of wind and rain but seriously this puppy was literally in and out in less the 7 minutes
  15. Tornado warning for me...should be here within the half hour...yikes
  16. 93 imby in Hillsborough...hottest in state What a glorious day
  17. 92 imby...thats the hottest in New Jersey...lawns are toasty brown prolly the worst in the state
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