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Everything posted by winterwarlock

  1. Joe Marrucci lost any credibility here
  2. 95 in Hillsborough before noon
  3. How much rain are we getting tomorrow? An inch?
  4. 101 for the high in Hillsborough..BOO YAH! and its still 99 at 6pm..Wow!
  5. 99 in Hillsborough....just couldn't complete the trifecta of 3 straight 100 days.. we try tomorrow day 11 of my heatwave churns forward
  6. 99 with heat index of 107 Looks like i once again miss out on any rain
  7. Yup..peeps been sleeping on my posts
  8. 96 before noon in Hillsborough with heat index of 107. We are running ahead of yesterday's pace
  9. Hoping to get Nam'd around noon today!
  11. Hit 99 WOW! Down to 97 but hopefully we push push push to 100!
  12. Not sure what they use but its on the former Duke estate converted into parklands preserving its natural ecosystem and vegetation. We have not much if any rain for a month
  13. Im using my closest location which is Hillsborough Duke
  14. Wow 96 imby with heat index of 104 My 9th day of the heatwave
  15. Ive been using the Hillsborough Duke Farms observation data
  16. Yup..been in the 90s for a week now And weve had less than an ich of rain in about 40 days
  17. 92 so far 8th day of my heateave Also correction for yesterday..hit 97 not 95 as we got a late push of heat which made it my hottest day of the season
  18. Our area had been a hotspot for the past few years for excessive rains including last year catastrophe with Ida. I cant believe we couldnt even get a tenth of inch Hope we somehow get lucky with some rogue heat driven storm sometime later in the week
  19. This was just awful for my area
  20. Same here...its been raining for 15 minutes but was only heavy for a couple..i could get in on another cell to SW but i demand more rain here
  21. This is the driest in my parts since the mid 90s
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