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Everything posted by winterwarlock

  1. Well the tv and radio mets need to do a better job relaying this on a holiday weekend. I knew it wouldnt be a washout but I didn't know it would actually be our best beach weekend thus far of a slow start to the year
  2. Im upset moreso they keep forecasting mostly cloudy days
  3. Another busted forecast. Both Saturday and Sunday way more sun and better than expected. The futility of mets is hurting the beach season which has seen so so crowds because the mets keep forecasting showers every weekend and instead there is sun
  4. We had 3 inches last week. Its fine if we dont get anymore
  5. .70 yesterday 6 day total now at an even 3 inches Enough...
  6. Just heard my first circada chirpjng drying out its wings...that is a sign folks....put the miserable bs weather behind and go on a nice dry and hot sunny stretch.....LET'S GO!
  7. The worst of the storms wrre training about 10 miles to my northwest. Did get into rounds of storms with thunder and lightning but nothing too bad. Ended up with 1.80 over the last 24 hours bringing my now onto the 6th day summer is ruined event total to 2.46 And yes it can stop raining now. We have enough moisture to keep lawns green and growing for all of July
  8. Finally got into a 15 minute deluge now winding down
  9. That storm in Hunterdon gave me thunder and some dark clouds but skirted away to west with no rain Still holding at an uneventful .20 for the day
  10. Meh Picked up .17 total from three different storms today Grand total now .83 over 5 days
  11. .07 yesterday...missed all the big stuff .66 grand total on this week long summer train wreck Its off the rails boys on the longest days of summer
  12. There is something traumatizing to me about losing sunshine and warmth on the week of the longest days of the year. Sure i can handle a couple of days but now likely 10 straight days of clouds with showers probably in half of them. Screams summertime eh? When you lost June like we have it puts alot of pressure on July to deliver. Haven't had one legit beech weekend and now this is 5th weekend of summer season now 33% over I would also hate 60s for Christmas
  13. .10 overnight, now up to .57 through Day 2 of the Pissing Away The Whole First Week Of Summer Event
  14. did end up with .47 for the day and they cancelled our local fireworks show for tomorrow night
  15. An uneventful .12 for me thus far
  16. How about any sun? Im greedy and looking for a beach day now
  17. Except it was milky haze most of those days so i didnt notice
  18. Good...we don't need 4-5 inches of rain 1-2 inches are fine Why are people rooting for 7 days of clouds at the total beginning of summer
  19. Why does it seem like they can't forecast the weather a day in advance anymore Looks like a beautiful weekend yet 24 hours ago it was supposed to be so so variably cloudy with a saturday shower chance
  20. Somehow we survive...skipped just 2 last week and 4 this week. Got almost 1.5 inches this week so that should sustain us for awhile. Last year we had days of searing heat to go with the drought I just hate specifically the time period from solstice to July 4 being cool and damp But looks like the rain chances are being tamped down next week and could hit 90 next weekend
  21. this is certainly not how I want my summer to go
  22. .94 imby Very dry lawns here..still were able to do all but 2 last week but we really needed yesterdays dump to keep cutting going this week
  23. 95 imby...woyza! 91 yesterday by the way
  24. All rain the last hour This one was easy to call
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