That sounds like a splendid afternoon, I do hope you enjoy it. I take it you think I’m a non masker by the tenor of your reply? Please, don’t assume. I am vaccinated, and wear a mask where required. I posted that because I find the level of hypocrisy, virtue signaling, lack of decency and holier than thou posts in here rather telling on why we are the way we are in our country. It’s sad and that goes for whatever side of an argument anybody in here falls on.
I followed the science and got a vaccine (after considering al the options and data) just like I’ll follow the science about now wearing masks if your vaccinated which is you shouldn't have to. But just like everything masks are political now and whether or not you wear one is too. Again it’s sad, everyone should really only worry about themselves but they don’t, and that’s just based on people’s posts in here.
I’ll be going to a birthday party this afternoon for one of my 5 year old sons friends being held outdoors with people not from my household without masks because outside transmission is extremely unlikely according to science. Not because I view masks as political but the Science says the odds of getting COVID from that is minute at best! You know personal responsibility and personal risk assessment, stuff everyone should be doing. not bickering about who is and who isn’t doing something like wearing masks.
Edit: I mean you don’t have to wear masks in the circumstances outlined by CDC before wxtrix calls me out for misinformation lol