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About SteelCity87

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. There's no chance. I picked up at least 1" in that time in Crafton and a lot of that swath traveled through Moon as well. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  2. This definitely ended up being a pretty solid event all things considered. Could be pushing close to 4" by now. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  3. That line has been hammering far west AGC for over an hour now. Curious what they've picked up since. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  4. The second batch has been a mixture of sleet/graupel/and even seems to be some freezing rain? Tough luck I guess. Wasn't expecting any mix here in Crafton Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  5. Eyeballing a little under 2" here in Crafton. Would love to squeeze another inch or so out of this but regardless a beautiful snowy winter day. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  6. Is this thing about wrapped up? Doesn't look like much else on radar. I knew it was a smaller event but thought it was longer duration. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  7. Ended up with over 2" yesterday. Hopefully something similar tomorrow. Despite nothing big and being average on the year it has been a great winter. I'm sure how lousy the last two were helps with that. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  8. I was lucky to make it home a couple hours ago. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  9. An absolutely miserable drive home. Roads were atrocious in Crafton and surrounding areas. Little over 1" I'd say and still coming down good. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  10. I've seen nothing but flurries. A tad frustrating. Even though it's a small storm that radar is a bit much. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  11. And the kinds of days we have sorely missed the last few seasons! Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  12. I'm totally fine with those events if they're consistent. This has certainly been the most wintry stretch I remember over the last few years. Even days like today where you might pick up a random half inch or so are nice. Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  13. Hopefully that slug entering the panhandle can make it up this way Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
  14. Got maybe an 1.5" here Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
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