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Posts posted by LVwxHistorian

  1. 1 hour ago, WarrenCtyWx said:

    December 1966 was a dream month in the Lehigh Valley and NW NJ. How can you top three 6"+ events and a KU on Christmas Eve?

    It was pretty good though the first storm melted quick -- record 17" depth Xmas day.

    Dec. 1872 is the only comparable December in terms of snow (and cold)

    • Weenie 1
  2. 1 hour ago, RedSky said:

    Parents moved into their new house in the north Philly burbs in 66 and my mom use to talk about that first bad winter. I was recently looking at the snow events that winter for Allentown from November through March and my thoughts were it was very much like 95-96, but worse because it was a much colder winter. Not born yet I really missed a good one, no doubt winter of yore material and much deserved.



    Actually 95-96 was 1.4* colder than 66-67:  28.6 vs 27.2 (ABE) -- You probably posted just to get me to respond, :P

    • Weenie 1
  3. 13 hours ago, KamuSnow said:

    Might want to check your 2006 bulb, none of the lights after that are working. However I'd include Dec. 8th 2013 in that list for down here anyway, and while it wasn't huge total wise (6-8") it came down at 2" an hour for 2 or 3 hours (see Eagles game, lol).

    Phila AP did good:


    PHILADELPHIA CENTER 5.5 354 PM 12/08

    PUBLIC PHILADELPHIA 4.3 333 PM 12/08




    • Weenie 1
  4. 18 hours ago, LVwxHistorian said:

    Big first half of December storms in the great LV, strung together in the 2000s like pretty Xmas lights!

    Dec. 11-12, 1960:  10.3"

    Dec. 13-14, 1966:  7.6"

    Dec. 8, 2002: 8" -- and another 7.2" on X-mas day

    Dec. 5, 2003:  9"

    Dec. 9, 2005:  9.1" and 14/-2 on the 14th (2nd earliest sub-zero ever).


    And last year we had 11.5" on the 16-17th.


    Opps forgot Dec. 14, 1917 - 12"

    • Weenie 1
  5. 12 hours ago, KamuSnow said:

    Might want to check your 2006 bulb, none of the lights after that are working. However I'd include Dec. 8th 2013 in that list for down here anyway, and while it wasn't huge total wise (6-8") it came down at 2" an hour for 2 or 3 hours (see Eagles game, lol).

    Lol!  Dec. 14, 2013 -- 6.8" (13.7 for the month), 11" at Pen Argyl

    • Weenie 1
  6. Big first half of December storms in the great LV, strung together in the 2000s like pretty Xmas lights!

    Dec. 11-12, 1960:  10.3"

    Dec. 13-14, 1966:  7.6"

    Dec. 8, 2002: 8" -- and another 7.2" on X-mas day

    Dec. 5, 2003:  9"

    Dec. 9, 2005:  9.1" and 14/-2 on the 14th (2nd earliest sub-zero ever).


    And last year we had 11.5" on the 16-17th.


    • Weenie 1
  7. 7 hours ago, ChescoWx said:

    Now before our LV friend says all of the data is invalid blah blah....I of course have never used or presented any other Chester County sites for my data analytics or weather website ever until we started this fun little thread. I have for the last 23 years focused entirely only on Coatesville PA weather data as it represents the ONLY complete data set from 1894 and updated through today for ALL weather parameters and has zero gaps in any observation data. I have never done any QC on the other sites in the County and simply reported them on this thread to corroborate analysis for Coatesville which I have done in this thread - even though LV doesn't like it.

    Well it at least warrants you checking all the other years.  Feb 1895 I already mentioned.

    You mentioned Malvern 30 inches in Jan. 2016 -- that's not official enough for the list (not a COOP)?

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    • Weenie 1
  8. 8 hours ago, ChescoWx said:

    Can't delete factual history that has been in existence for over 100 years because you dislike the facts.....just sayin

    It isn't whether I like or dislike it -- I already said that I don't have a personal vendetta or stake in this, it's just when I see something so outlandish, I feel compelled to speak up.

    I would accept if I'm proven wrong, but nothing you've presented so far has done that, and in fact some of it has bolstered my position!

    Did you find any other station with any snow at all in April 1895?  (Here's a hint: You won't). 

     And if you got tabulated data for West Chester for April 1895 showing over 20" (or any amount for that matter) from NCDC, then it just shows the quality control that they've been doing so far:  they just accept completely incorrect data just like you do.

    It's hard to believe that you just believe it without simply checking other stations. That's how you validate this stuff, looking at other stations and newspapers - the only 2 ways I know!!

    It's not difficult for me so i can't understand why it's so hard for ya'll!!!

    • Weenie 1
  9. 31 minutes ago, ChescoWx said:

    Hey LVwxHist guy - to help get you back on track away from this strange historical snow witch hunt....since you are the LV wx guy - post some actual stats for the Lehigh Valley and we can see how different the weather is from there vs. Chester County PA. For starts why don't you post the top 20 snowstorms for the LV and we can compare and contrast against all of the Chesco sites - thanks!!

    I may do that, though a comparison with Chesco is not all that important -- the Lehigh Valley has a first order station and is much more important historically, economically and in most other ways than chester county backcountry with your incompetent old weather observers, LOL.

    • Weenie 1
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