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Everything posted by Jt17

  1. The models are really struggling with where the LP should be focused.
  2. I think you or somebody else said this earlier. Then the EURO came out and it was stuffed with people. I guarantee at 4:45 it will be packed in here.
  3. the Euro on it's previous 06z run and 12z run and NAM on it's 12z model run did a similar thing with the low depiction. Hopefully it's just temporary noise that resolves over the next few runs and gets the weenies of the ledge.
  4. Now would be a perfect time for NAM to continue to mess with us
  5. Yea I saw it close off initially and was ready to celebrate
  6. lol I saw that... I feel like that's part of why there's that double barrel feature in the op. I think it's confused
  7. What have you noticed out west that has you more optimistic?
  8. Lol it appears he's a classic contrarian
  9. Yea hard to tell on Pivotal - also I live in queens so looks more like 12 to me lol
  10. Where are you? Didn't for NYC. Looks like NY is still well clear of a foot
  11. Good I thought it looked weird. People say this and I never know what it means but could it be connective feedback? It looked like it phased and then all of a sudden it got torn apart
  12. Literally nobody posted that. Somebody said it looked more amped and they probably meant at some random hour like 57 or 60
  13. If did that at 6z but it eventually and slightly earlier seemed to favor the western low and that's when it came back and tucked a little around Long Island. If it's going to evolve with a double barrel low, that's what it's going to have to do for it to be awesome for us still.
  14. Now would be a hilarious time for the Goofus to jump 200 miles west next run
  15. Just eyeballing it - it's probably 50 miles east with the best snows. Not terrible. Not ideal, but threat is by no means dead for big snows for the sub-forum
  16. Looks identical to last run. It just pulled it out at the last minute last run and took a nap south of LI dumping snow on us. But we'll see. Could end up worse of course
  17. 24-36" for me - just looking for a nice winter look, nothing crazy.
  18. He's not right, as depicted this is a very cold storm - you're going to have some ratio snows
  19. Its markedly better and it's still snowing hard with hours to go at hour 90.
  20. 06z GFS isn't really too far off from this. It's definitely west of last night and similarly powerful, it just needs a little bit and it starts to back up the euro.
  21. Even more likely N&W further from the high winds and cold AF, ya?
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