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About intentionallove

  • Birthday 12/19/1979

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Middletown, PA
  • Interests
    Weather! Most things outdoors and anything to do with self-sufficient living.

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  1. And now it's seems to have met the inevitable
  2. Roads are a sheet of ice in Middletown. Back roads especially bad. I went 2/3 of the way up a nice hill, did a slide and spin and returned down the way I'd come. Haven't done that since I lived in Michigan
  3. Moderate to occasionally heavy snow here. Looks beautiful.
  4. That would be fun! I'm 5 miles WNW of Etown right inside Dauphin County
  5. Nothing official.....just my driveway and choosing the best location to measure from. The sleet has quite obviously packed in the toral measurement as I didn't get one in before it started. So you most certainly have the more accurate measurements.
  6. 4" since Noon in Middletown...nearly all in the last 2 hours. Storm total is 8" with a hefty dose of sleet in that.
  7. That horrendous red line is right over my house. If I looked up I could see it, but I'm pretending it doesn't exist.
  8. That's along what I was thinking, but are there GIS jobs to help do data mapping for Meteorology?
  9. Heavy rain in Middletown with some flakes mixing in.
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