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Everything posted by Ephesians2

  1. *beautiful... especially if you assume a slight NW trend
  2. The GFS was too far east consistently with this last system, correct?
  3. Back over to snow in Lynchburg! Pretty light but nice to see after an afternoon/evening of heavy sleet with a brief period of ZR.
  4. 3/4" pure sleet so far in Lynchburg. With compaction,looking like about 4" of snow/sleet on the ground. Up to 25-26
  5. It's not that bad. Got 10 times what the 3k NAM forecast yesterday and the sleet + ZR will keep decent snow cover longer.
  6. Changed over to sleet about 20 minutes ago in Lynchburg. Finished with 3.75" of snow, although there was noticeable blowing and drifting. 21 degrees now; HRRR says I don't go above freezing at all.
  7. 2" of wind blown cold powder in Lynchburg. Still moderate/heavy snow, but I don't know how much more time of all snow I have left. Surface temperature hasn't budged since onset - 17 degrees.
  8. Moderate snow with about 1" in Lynchburg. Temps holding steady at 17.
  9. Weather app says the wind chill is 0. I'm not sure how accurate that is but wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. Breeze picking up in Lynchburg, 17/13.
  10. Also, this isn't "pixie dust" despite temps in the teens. Decent flake size, has to be pretty high ratios in Lynchburg.
  11. Temps dropping. Down to 18 with steady snow, sticking to everything. Looks like I will be overperforming the 3k NAM from yesterday...
  12. Light snow beginning in Lynchburg after an hour of virga.
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