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Everything posted by IowaStorm05

  1. But the mountain west is in even bigger trouble. Especially California. I get warmer atmosphere so bigger storms idea it works for some regions but no, West Coast mountain ranges CANNOT afford more global warming. The area is already heavily dependent on colder air masses to allow snow levels to fall low enough to drop deep snow packs. Even if, for a time, the warmer atmosphere allows for bigger snowstorms, the pineapple expresses and warmer overall flow will melt those. No matter how you slice it there won’t be a snowpack left to provide California the water the way they have things set up today. The whole region there is dependent on a slowly melting deep snowpack to last into late spring. Bigger storms or not that’s not gonna be a thing in 40 years. But I will probably be dead by then so those people will just have to move.
  2. Well for certain areas absolutely. But push the envelope enough and you end up with mostly rain most of the time. I could envision a period where we get widespread 48 inch snowstorms across SNE once every 2 or 3 years, while most of the time it’s always rain. See I think coastal SNE temps nowadays are really marginal for good snow to be reliable. From what I’ve read and studied we can’t afford several degrees of warmer on average. We might occasionally get massive snowstorms but like, not all the time or anything. i don’t really know what it’s going to do, except to say that I think this region is guaranteed to be in for very thundery summers in the future at least. This past summer was intense, with stormy patterns and those hot waters offshore helping to prevent atmosphere stabilization, lots and lots of thunderstorms.
  3. Oh right ok. Different region different rules. And about snow pack…. global warming saddens me. They think by the 2050s they won’t get very much snow in the Sierra Nevada anymore and obviously California’s current population can’t survive without that water. Meanwhile Southern New England’s climate will look more like Delaware, with significantly more thunderstorms and snow will be scant with only occasional major nor’easter snowstorms. I think Northern New England, especially mountains, will get good snowpack for a very long time to come
  4. I dunno where you are but we had a solid foot hit in mid December last year here.
  5. I do feel like this particular system has a big potential for lots of random surprises in it, what with the flow, and erratic nature of the ingredients involved. Amirite!?
  6. albeit amateur experience it seems hard to justify expecting more than mood flakes if at all here with what I see.
  7. I’m glad that we didn’t lose this. At least not completely, and that trends look good. The TV dude even said it, but a few of us are right in what is probably a pretty favorable spot especially in the hills above a couple hundred feet. now I work right on the south coast, but live in Willimantic. And the difference between temps and snow averages between the two locations is enough that I’m willing to work outdoors in the winter on the coast, but probably would not do it in interior “upstate” CT. It’s nearly always 2-4 degrees cooler where I live, and We average 3 times as much snow as locations on the water, and we aren’t even in a relatively favorable spot compared to a few towns nearby.
  8. 06z Models looking nice for a couple inches! I had a feeling it could swing over us and the most recent past 12z and 0z were in an error.
  9. Yeah I don’t worry about me as much but my family. I think a lot of people do
  10. I try to stay within 5mph above speed limit. I’m especially slow on the two lane opposing traffic highways with yellow line. Offset head-ons are devastating, and frankly, I’m extremely unpopular for this but I truly believe you should never have speed limits on those type of roads be more than 40 mph. 55 mph head on offset crash and you’re likely dead.
  11. Never mind. I spoke too soon. The trends are very bad, and suggest it’s highly unlikely this thing is going to come back
  12. Yes the Euro eliminated the storm for SNE. And, I don’t trust the Euro.
  13. The UK has improved toward looking like low end moderate snows. Good for something.
  14. Hey! I’m back! Anything could happen with this it’s D4, but we are a cat and it’s our first mouse to play with!
  15. I believe there is going to be water in my apartment by afternoon. Time to pack my shit.
  16. I dont know but I can sure tell you that most of Connecticut gets more thunderstorms than RI. But for a lot of obvious reasons
  17. I wouldn’t be so sure man I think it’s going to build in East
  18. Excited to see what that energy does when it gets over this way a 50 miles northeast of you.
  19. Headed straight for my house. It’s early they said the worst would be 10pm-4am I read it. But it’s now. Abruptly intensifying now!
  20. Rain is steady here now, mostly dark greens. Heavier yellow is just to our west
  21. I said it was suddenly closing in half an hour ago and people made fun of me
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