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Everything posted by IowaStorm05

  1. That’s too bad man. But the statistical odds are still in his favor that he will pull through
  2. At 1pm on Saturday, a co worker of mine I work very close to showed up after having isolated for 4 days. He was sick with Covid. He was coughing a bunch adjacent to me much of the day. That was 56 hours ago. By 11am today, (46 hours) I felt… vaguely off. By 2pm (49 hours) I knew I was getting sick and by 7pm (54 hours) I was on my ass. This is very nasty. It feels like a bad cold on the surface but there’s weird feeling in my body and the sore throat feels “more intense”. I can tell this is much stronger than a regular cold virus so I have no doubt it’s Covid. I admittedly have not taken the virus seriously for quite some time. Me and my 65 year old mom got our 2 shots this year but we were certain we had likely already had asymptomatic infection by now but obviously I was wrong and it’s very good we got vaccinated because the way this is going I think there is a very real possibility this would have got me killed. I think my co worker showed up 1 day sooner than he was supposed to and somebody commented they thought he was not coming back for one more day but there is circumstantial evidence that his 4 day isolation was insufficient.
  3. This is still 5 days away. And I’m not even in the bullseye for most models. There may be more consensus and signal for this than prior modeled threats but I am not getting emotionally invested in this until about 84 hours out.
  4. It is good I live with family and I am not alone because I went from feeling like I had a mild cold to feeling absolutely delirious with a sore throat on steroids. I am not old; and it is not in my lungs right now whatever it is.
  5. 2006-2007 was a problem on the coast. Biggest snow was about 3 inches in April.
  6. Deena looks grim-faced and condescending as George yells at the doll. She looks at the cashier and solemnly says “that man should really be in a sanitarium” Later George: “I got it from the institute! The institute”! (Chases Deena in his King costume)
  7. Deena looks grim-faced and condescending as George yells at the doll. She looks at the cashier and solemnly says “that man should really be in a sanitarium” I got it from the institute! The institute!
  8. The snow has stopped, I can eyeball about an inch and a half.
  9. Radar does show materialization in the mid Atlantic though
  10. So Ledyard, Norwich, North Stonington, Franklin, Chester, Salem.
  11. As slippery winter weather is impending, it’s too late to upgrade tonight. But you really, really don’t want to drive around in 1990’s or even early 2000’s cars. 1970s and 1980s are even worse. The 1990s will squish you and the 1970s will pulverize and impale you. Stay safe. Upgrade. It could save your life especially if you like… driving in the snow.
  12. I will be honest. I have no ******* idea what those are.
  13. Yeah I’ve been saying that over and over that the models tease us, much the same way that humans often like teasing the bears in the forest
  14. Too bad we don’t get a 12 inch surprise again.
  15. RAP either has trended better-looking or maybe it’s just that the entire thing is within its range.
  16. A chance at 2 inches is a reasonable thing to track and look out for. But when I start seeing snowfall maps being generated that suggest 0.6” of snow… that is game over. The model runs of late have been taunting us…. Showing phantom storms of snow that never materialize. It is just as horrible as the frequent pastime that Americans have of taunting grizzly bears in Yellowstone by poking them with a stick in October while covered head to toe in strawberry jam.
  17. I don’t enjay the things I see here for this system anymore. It looks lame.
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