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About IowaStorm05

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Willimantic River... 230’
  • Interests
    Big snowstorms! Thunderstorms!

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  1. I’d like to complain about the change from 80s turned into 60s for daytime highs in Florida during this pattern. We’re having to use the heater again and it’s uncomfortably cool for my taste. We don’t get snow, so there’s no reason to champion chilly patterns here. It’s just uncomfortable and it’s unlikely many people on this sub are going to get real snow out of this. We had like 2 weeks of 80s up until this week and I had been mistaken that we were home free from using the heater anymore
  2. I was checking to see what Danieltown was and Wikipedia says it’s an unincorporated town in Brunswick county VA. And that is all that the entire article says. Very mysterious, sounds like it has to be some tiny cozy mountain town. I am in Florida so there is never going to be any snow here any time soon but I will say it’s been annoying that for almost this entire winter, the cold fronts that bring cold weather down here ALWAYS happen on Friday night or Saturday… whereas it’s 80 degrees Monday thru Thursday. Up until this year I was a snow weenie in Connecticut and was part of the thriving New England threads but not much happens down here. Maybe summer storm season?
  3. Are there lots of weird and creepy spiders down there during the warmer months?
  4. I guess until you get up into the high elevations of Maryland and North Carolina this region is not a good place to sit and wish for snow. It never snows at all where I am. But I do look forward to spring. The sun is already going down 20 minutes later than it did in early December. I look forward to Mid February because my belief is that that is when it starts becoming spring like warm in the southeast especially below 1000 feet.
  5. You guys need the luck of Reno, Nevada. Yesterday into last night a cold Tonopah Low mixed with an atmospheric river. This isn’t too common as atmospheric rivers usually bring warmer temperatures and higher snow levels. Snow Levels hovered around 4000 feet yesterday and Reno area received 6 to 12 inches of snow in town, with much heavier amounts in the mountains. Snow in Reno is pretty common, but 6-12 inches is a once every 2-3 years event. The oceanic climate of the blue ridge mountains sounds beautiful, although I didn’t envy the cold we also got a taste of earlier in the week when Gainesville got down to 21 degrees.
  6. Kind of a paltry SNE year so far I can see from afar. Of note… Today Reno NV and surrounding area is receiving quite a dump with a colder than average atmospheric river type storm which has no trouble getting over the Sierra crest. The snowfall has started getting lighter this past hour, but Reno proper has received some 6 to 12 inches of snow in town so far and may get a few more inches before it’s done. No snow here ever. But we still have thunderstorm season to look forward to.
  7. Looks like you guys might be in for a potentially exciting period up that way. Nothing guaranteed but some chances at something at least We just shifted into deep winter here in Gainesville. No more 77 degree afternoons we had been getting every day. Looks to be mostly low 60s for foreseeable future.
  8. Heading into deep winter down here in Gainesville. The upper 70s afternoons have dipped into the 60s and sometimes 50s for foreseeable days ahead. Occasional fronts with rain as Nrn Fl gets.
  9. I would imagine a triple dip La Niña would be very La Niña-ey. Plenty of time for it’s pattern to set into place. I am down in Gainesville. I came to Florida to escape winter cold and though I didn’t go quite far enough south to ensure constant warmth, I do appreciate the long string of 77 degree days here. Longer days are great too. Not that I want to diminish any snow lovers on here who live up north in Georgia or anything.
  10. I left Willimantic in October and now I’m in Gainesville FL. I knew it does not stay super warm here deep into winter but until this week it was pretty reliably around 80 degrees each day. Not anymore. Now we are seeing a string of 60 degree days. I’m afraid that will be the rule rather than the exception. Next time move to Homestead. At least it’s not brutal in any way. But I will miss those big snowstorms a little on the other hand. The final frontier for a snowstorm to ever impact is the panhandle west. That’s the absolute last place snow gets down to. It does not happen here. That’s kind of why we came here. I am watching out for a blocking pattern which could lead to a true cold snap and while I don’t see it on our doorstep yet I’m not looking forward to that. For now, highs 60s low in 40s. I wont clutter this sub too often with my foreign posts but i will miss being part of the local banter during snow season
  11. I’ll take 80s and sunset at 8:34pm
  12. Perhaps it’s all psychological…. But I feel like it got cool abruptly this year with no Indian summer. I remember many years in the past it would be warm well into October. Not this time. It messes with my head. I am going to Florida anyway so.
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