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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. i use to do alot of work at cvs over there they get hit good sometimes
  2. anywhere between the berks and kevin will get in the good band euro tics east other models come west a bit
  3. RGEM usually is pretty good at this range gfs is usually junk lol
  4. this is the one time ill say it has convective feedback issues look at the blobs of heavy precip to the east i bet ncep says the same
  5. even if i were to jack on the gfs it looks funky so just going to throw it out now
  6. wasnt the upgrade suppose to fix this issue ughh models starting to tic back west
  7. lol i got cable downstairs but in my room i got the new version of rabbit ears DTV its awesome because i get the connecticut stations that i wouldnt otherwise have
  8. i got a large field in the back of my place snowdrifts should be impressive to say the least
  9. min is 0 max is 16 for the eastern cape it all depends when things change over
  10. most areas it is gfs shows you the love at 6z we are all going to get it good
  11. i tried and couldnt think ill take a nap later stay up for a bit sleep 6 to 1 and stay up from there perfect week to have off
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