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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. Could get the remnants of whatever forms.. some models get close.. maybe one wash out day after next weekend Saturday onward ... Additional wet weather or an eye on tropical activity from the Gulf of Mexico? Low confidence forecast. Find that forecast solutions and ensemble members are struggling to come to consensus. Will hint at the possibility with low chance PoPs, keep with seasonable weather
  2. I would take 90 all summer with high dews if we got a hurricane strike out of it
  3. Was coming up the coast turned at the last minute. Just something fun to look at changing every run..
  4. The old GFS was almost fun in 9 days
  5. Lol the water was pouring down the slider window so came out blurry.. just saw the 70 mph gust in longmeadow must have just missed here.. 53 mph top speed here but still a great storm
  6. Lightning hit a tobacco barn in southwick today and caused a massive fire..
  7. That was us last weekend. Rain everywhere but here
  8. 1.41 for the day. Still some light rain... glad we got a much needed drink. Almost had to fill the pool and had some crunchy spots on the grass..
  9. Terrible pic because it was raining so hard and was like a waterfall on the slider.. but if you look close you can see the tree bent to the left.. that's when we had the 53 mph gust..
  10. 53 mph gust holy**** blinding rain and intense lightning wow
  11. Lots of cloud to ground in the distance I love having a good view for storms
  12. Watching storms explode to my west.. hearing thunder
  13. Crappy pic but these stupid things are taking over my tree out back!
  14. Any idea why they are running it again?
  15. What's the new GFS LEGACY on tropical tidbits?
  16. Anchorage alaska pulled that off yesterday!
  17. I will give you that.. my lawn got crap last weekend and lawn is a little crunchy in spots
  18. Dews of 70 plus are nasty in just anything under that we take.. this definitely isn't last year.. now that was brutal
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