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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. Hahahaha!!! I just cant between this and claiming that video was his...
  2. Watersports on the sound south of New Haven?
  3. Radarscope keeps popping a TVS and they had damage in eastern ny
  4. They got to put a warning out going to go right over Danbury
  5. That stuff about to enter ct looks good
  6. 74/67. Think we get a ton of rain but meh on the storms
  7. Might almost feel cool... 30 more days until you start seeing cooler air building in canada
  8. Haven't looked today lol anything on the horizon? I like extremes
  9. 100.4 going back down never thought we would do it today
  10. Was brief but hit it here... down to 99.3
  11. 100.2 here for the high... I was wrong.
  12. Light rain now 100 wont happen here for sure
  13. Hahaha funny you mention that.. I can see it but not hear it yet, and was thinking I haven't heard the term heat lightning in awhile from anyone..
  14. I can see a ton to my west... so cool to see! I love seeing the outline of the clouds in the distace
  15. Hoping we can get some here tonight
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