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Everything posted by ineedsnow

  1. Insane cold on the GFS for this time of year!
  2. Just saw the 6z EPS posted somewhere and looks great for Thursday night!
  3. Seems like it always snows on December 5th
  4. 26.1 we freeze.... Happy Birthday Keving enjoy it!
  5. Idk already ripping good.. I think this one might actually produce. HRRR ramping up every run..
  6. Why is the valley warned but not east of here? What time will the line come through?
  7. Hit 57 mph with the last storm was a impressive 30 minutes with power flashes in the distance! Repeat?
  8. Same exact symptoms I had back in June.. missed a week of work
  9. I think we can pull off a Halloween storm..
  10. Nam tries to bring in the rain from it GFS not so much
  11. Power flash to the east and roar here we go
  12. Two more trees gone in the distance.. not expecting this at all!!
  13. Think I'm going to lose power again soon more flashes
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