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About BigHoss48192

  • Birthday 07/03/1973

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Wyandotte, MI

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  1. I suppose if you expect an inch and get two you can certainly argue that it exceeded your expectations...or that's why my wife says anyway. LOL Hell, all I wanted to see was some flakes when I left for work this morning. Those were pretty low expectations.
  2. I'm 45 min north of Toledo. The ground was barely wet at 5am when I left for work and I've yet to see a single snowflake on my Ring cameras.
  3. Another year...and probably another season of busted storms for SE Michigan. It's 34-35 out and not even raining but the radar shows that it's snowing outside. Must be evaporating before it even hits the ground. Nothing to see here....
  4. I hope I'll actually be able to use my snowblower on this snowfall. I didn't even bother trying on the last one. I knew I'd just get logs of ice plugging the chute. Please Mother Nature...no rain for Wyandotte. LOL
  5. Right? With the last major ice event in SEMI, a HUGE oak tree limb came down on my father-in-law's roof, tore up the roof/gutters and ripped the power line riser and meter box right off the back of his house, draping his power line across his back yard for almost a week. He just got it fixed and this past Fri/Sat's slushfest ripped the riser/box back off of his house again, dropping the wire across his yard for a 2nd time. The poor guy can't catch a break.
  6. Pshh…I’d be happy for 6” of snow.
  7. I just drove into work (downtown Detroit) and I don't recall the last time I saw a winter storm warning posted on the DOT digital billboards).
  8. Looks like another big snowstorm middle finger for SE MI.
  9. I went out and did my entire block with the snowblower last night and it was brutal. It was almost like a firehose there was so much water/slush sitting underneath the snow. Today’s pass was much easier with the fluffier snow from overnight.
  10. We’ll be lucky if we end up with 4-5”, I think anyway. The future radars have shown heaving banding coming thru our area since like 1pm and those have never come to fruition. All the heavy stuff is staying down in NW Ohio or west of us. Very frustrating for sure.
  11. A whopping inch in SE Michigan where I’m at. Looks like we’re getting screwed again. We were supposed the be the bullseye. Landing had over 8” already.
  12. Careful using the term GOAT, you might trigger some Brady fanboys. LOL
  13. Now you jinxed it. You just screwed the whole state of Michigan. LOL
  14. Don’t worry, Josh, SE Wayne County always gets screwed. We’ll probably end up with nothing or just a dusting.
  15. Hi michsnowfreak...a fellow Wyandotter here. Just found this site. My brother-in-law is signing up right now. He was weathernut on uswxforums. His name on here is Wxnut1970.
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