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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Despite the 23 degree temp this morning, the sun felt warm and the Spring birds were singing away...Time for Spring!
  2. It is probably a better correlation than say snow in the middle of some field in Russia, in October....I remember the discussion sometime in late November regarding this, and we further discussed the -PNA/Pig combo showing up in the longer range everytime there was glimmers of hope in December/January and now again in February. Great work
  3. They had the dust bowl, great depression, and then WW2 to worry about...I'm sure that would have taken up some of the social media space.
  4. Is there anything upstream to prevent this at this point?
  5. Odds are it is only a rebuild of a few inches(if not less) that will melt off completely this summer when they hit some record highs again...The heat has been offsetting any gains now for decades. I assume the only thing that would produce a net gain besides few decades of this type of +AO regime would be some sort of super volcanic eruption. Otherwise it is going to take decades of gradual cooling to refreeze what we have lost. I do like seeing cooling in areas that need it, the wildlife definitely needs it, but we are sacrificing our winters int the mean time ugghh... Not to continue derailing the thread, but the real issue with CC is how we are getting there and what we are doing to our planet during the process. Polluting our water sources and the air we breathe by burning fossil fuels that were stored perfectly over millions of years by the planet (clearly the planet's way of reaching equilibrium was to store all of it away, deep inside the earth). But we chose to yank it all out and throw it back into the atmosphere in what less than 200 years? Our intelligence has given us ways to harness energy from the sun/wind/water, which could have helped us reverse some things, yet greed has kept us from that at this point. The melting ice sheets/glaciers has happened before and will happen again as will the rebuilding process. Flooding coastlines is not a real issue unless you live there and we are able to move away and/or build walls. As humans we can adapt(fairly quickly) to most of what climate change will throw at us. The real issues here are things such as the acidification of the oceans. Not many care about that or even have a clue as to what that will do so everyone uses the fear of flooding coastlines and sea level rises to help lead a change. Change the chemistry of the oceans too much and we are most likely not going to survive. But I will stop the "left" doomsday stuff, since science has taken a back seat recently. As a scientist with a degree in Marine Biology/Marine Science/Oceanography, the threat is real. It is very disheartening the way I have seen real science being derailed by politcal/corporate greed. I feel scientists need someone to stand up for them, they are going to be the ones that will hopefully find away to "save" us before it is too late (last one I promise)...
  6. Anyone want to start a March thread, maybe we can have 100 pages before it starts....lol Although it clearly didn't work for February...
  7. I couldn't find anything specific, Iceland I saw winds were up to 100 MPH in gusts, Ireland less than that....Not sure what they are, at the peak, in the middle of the ocean.
  8. I hope so, I find it hard to believe I finish the season below 15 inches...then again, I wouldnt have thought a <920 mb system would be meandering around the north Atlantic. So who knows.
  9. looks like maybe 0.2" of sleet this morning with total liquid at 0.75" so far, currently 36.8° and pouring. This has to be the worst, first 13 days of February I have ever experienced. It has rained all but 4 days so far this month, Seattle weather in the Northeast.....
  10. With the way this winter has gone, if this somehow finds a way to be correct the whole SNE portion of this forum might just quit until next March....lol
  11. being OCD with my snow measurements, do I get up at 2 am to measure or just assume it is sleet to rain with another 0.1"added to the meager season total?
  12. I am fine with a snowy March, as long as I get a super torch for April and May....
  13. Seeing that most of our winds here in CT are coming from SW to SSW at 850, even as the precip is starting along with the anomalously high water temps to the south, I would assume we see little to no accumulation for at least the southern half of CT....It has just proven time and again that the atmosphere has been warming up quicker than forecasted for this area, this year...
  14. The climate is clearly doing some weird things, besides just warming up and has been evident for quite some time. The planet's "natural" defense against warming might be to try and refreeze the poles which might be what we are seeing from time to time (clearly bad for those who like snow here in New England), but obviously that has been trumped by crazy amount of warming that is happening. I see it as the planet releasing antibodies to help fight an infection that it has and helping to return it back to its natural state. In this case it is trying to fight something that it most likely won't be able to defeat. Just my 2 cents... Long story short, winter seasons like this year and last, and 2011/2012 may become a more common occurrence as we go along. Not that blockbusters won't occur, they will probably occur more often than not (extremes will become more normal on both ends of the spectrum), until the snow just disappears completely around these areas and we all look like great plains during the dust bowl era...
  15. I was just looking over the water temps all around south of Long Island, no wonder all of these systems end up warmer than forecasted with little snow or sleet to start. Low to mid 40s this late into winter is not helping....
  16. I had 8.4" combined between January and February last year, 4.3" so far this January/February, but actually had more in the Nov event (8") in 2018 than we did in Dec this season (4"), we got skunked down here for that one...I don't know, just feels like 2 ratter years in a row down here
  17. Snowfall wise, this season reminds me of last year...very little snow in January/February, a true bookends season if somehow March delivers again this year.
  18. 39 with fog/mist this morning after yesterday's rain and what looks to be mostly rain on Thursday. Then lows near zero Saturday morning, I think I have mentally checked out. I need some sun, everyone around town has the flu. Bring on Spring please...or KU I guess
  19. Someone page @WxWatcher007, looks like he has some work to do in here this morning....
  20. nice, the ground has a coating, but nothing close to an inch. We have actually had 5 trace or coatings in the past week, but all have melted an hour later...still sitting at 14 inches for the season
  21. Mood flakes down here since yesterday evening, it evaporates as soon as it evaporates....
  22. Something that looks good 5+ days out has not worked out for SNE at all this winter, so we all know how this one ends up...
  23. Legit coating out there right now....temperature down to 32.2
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