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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Perfect weather, warm enough for the pool during the day, but cool enough by evening to keep the windows open at night....can we have this right through October please?!
  2. Nice steady rainfall here...0.20" in the bucket so far
  3. North of here, right before the crazy winds and power knocked out again...
  4. Yup, I have no time to deal with anymore of that...a nice steady rainfall is fine by me
  5. Thank you! I know, pool was cloudy after all the rain and the kids spending all day in it. I have a degree in Marine Biology and can keep corals alive in my sleep, but never took care of a pool before. I haven't had a chance to sleep with the move and 3 kids let alone figure out the pool. So I broke down and had someone stop by until I can sit down and figure out the system. Thankfully the pool temp was still 76 this morning, even with the heater shut off...
  6. Thanks! That direction is looking to the southwest, hopefully a great view for lightning from the deck. The fall colors should be great as well....
  7. We have been looking for a while and honestly a pool was not on our list. I didn't want the hassle of maintenance or the cost of paying someone to do it. It was always easier taking the kids to the town pool. But as you said Covid made it worth the hassle. The market has been insane here, we were lucky to get this one, contingent within 24 hours after 4 other offers. Now where to put the weather station?
  8. Thanks! Nice and quiet in this part of town. Looks like it will be a great radiating spot, not quite the lowest point, but I will put the Davis down toward the edge of the property.
  9. 49.6 for the low at the new house. Finally got the Davis moved over, it wasn't the same without it. Lol
  10. I have a south facing house and will be looking into it as soon as we move in...How does your production do in the winter? Big decision will be getting a powerwall or not...
  11. Yuck, hopefully they are overestimating and today is your day... Talked to the current owners of our soon to be new house. They said they lost power for 6 hours. The neighborhood has buried lines so there was an issue on the main road.
  12. Did you get power back yet? We have power, but no internet here...we still have 40 road closures in town, wires are laying everywhere.
  13. Feels like an early Fall morning out there....58/53 when I woke up
  14. Just got the automated call from the town, 75% of Newtown is without power....reading the Facebook page it seems like every other road is closed due to trees and powerlines down, quite reminiscent of the May Tornado a few years back. I was not up here for Sandy or Irene, so I can not compare to this one. This was the best duration windstorm I have ever experienced. The sustained winds of the July (2013?) Mid Atlantic derecho were more impressive as was the overall experience.
  15. You can hear the big gusts from almost a minute away, roaring like a train coming...the smell of pine is strong, lol
  16. The wind is unreal....non stop sirens now
  17. Transformer just blew here, our road is now blocked by trees..
  18. Had something that was either a down burst or a weak tornado...could hear it coming 1 minute away, with the sound of snapping trees...it was at the tail end of one of those cells
  19. Those cells developing in Litchfield county have that look....might have tornadoes in 2 out of 3 days up there....
  20. Winds just picked up...dead calm all morning...
  21. Always love reading your analysis, even if half of it goes over my head. Reminds me of sitting in a higher level lecture in college. While at Millersville University, I took a few Met courses which allowed me to sit in on Eric Horst and Dr. John Scala's weather discussions. I miss those days...
  22. Suns out here as well....Rogue Tor signatures popping up in PA as we speak, impressive ones as well showing up off the Jersey Shore.
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