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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Lots of white rain here, temp down to 36.3⁰....still thinking 2-4 around here, maybe see 5 if we get lucky later on..
  2. Ha, just as I posted clouds and cool...the clouds parted and now it feels like spring. Birds chirping away...sun is currently warming the ground, evident by the steam rising from the ground.
  3. 30⁰ here currently, has been cloudy all morning. The ground is frozen solid, 1 inch below the surface, so most of what falls should stick at least.
  4. Looks like the mesos have some banding around this area...maybe due to the low deepening a bit later. I was fully anticipating the lollies to be in eastern PA/Jersey, then to our northeast. Nowcast for sure though.. We have been 'lucky' so to speak so far this season, so maybe that continues. Get enough snow for the kids to sled and make it look like winter, when it should, that is all I ask....
  5. Ooph, yup....2-4, lollies to 5 might be the way to go at this point around here. Maybe some fluff could get us a bit higher
  6. Told the kids, 2-4 yesterday....should probably stick to that, really feel like this one is going east. Gfs burned us last time and well the Canadians haven't fared any better either. I suspect the subtle eastward movements have begun with early 0z runs so far.
  7. The reverse of the 2015 blizzard...wasn't it the Reggie/gfs that sort of led the way to the big bust out here while the Euro/Nam held tough, almost till the end?
  8. Maybe certain people are tweaking the inputs, making it worse than it already is, so they can say it sucks, let's just get rid of it. Wasn't there talk years back about getting rid of the Nam?
  9. I actually bottomed out at 8.4⁰ this morning, way colder than I expected. Can't imagine what I will get to if we get some snow down before the cold next week....
  10. If this system is real, the Nam will go from nothing to probably over amped once it "sees" the storm....maybe between 48 and 72 hours
  11. New RGEM looks like it will be further west, at least at 69 hrs....second storm is really intensifying offshore, getting pretty close to the cape too...
  12. I know it is the 6z GFS, at 384 hrs...But that look, reminds me of something we haven't seen in what seems like forever. Brings back memories for sure, I didn't really read all of yesterday's talk on storms that we used to get, maybe this was an example though...
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