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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. I know it doesn't mean anything for the weekend storm, but maybe the models are going downplay the cold push in this 'new' pattern. Seems like last night was colder and further south than it looked a few days prior...maybe just weenie thought?
  2. 2.0" on the western side of Southbury....looks nice out there, but with the sun burning through the fog as we speak, this fluff will be gone by noon on all south facing landscape. 25.2⁰ atm
  3. It really is great, house has a different kind of warmth to it....between baseball and basketball today we haven't been home much, but when I got in the car with my 13 year old daughter, she said and I quote it is really cold out, I can't wait to get home and warm up by the fire. Those comments make all the hard work worth while!
  4. There must be a warm layer out there, I would assume it will cool off with some steadier precip. Just had the dog out and noticed some sleet and a bit of freezing drizzle, no snow...26/18 atm
  5. And with the tenure of the last 3 winters, I believe it....33.8⁰ and raining currently after being in the freezer for weeks, bring on spring!
  6. Decent squall passing through here....everything coated quickly, ehh it is the best we have for the foreseeable future it seems
  7. There is definitely ptsd from that storm, if there is such a thing....moved here from Delaware, was only here for a little over a month and this happened, rough start to living in SNE.
  8. Despite the lack of snowfall, I am quite impressed with how well our 3.5ish", especially since most of it was fluff held up over the last week. I can't remember the last time we had ok snowcover last for a week, during the coldest time period of the year. Definitely felt and looked like winter when it was suppose to....just not a bunch of snow.
  9. Finally above freezing here....made it to 32.7⁰ so far
  10. -0.9⁰ this morning, that makes 3 out of the last 4 nights below zero, the only night that didn't got down to 0.3⁰. Impressive for sure around here, especially since I didn't get below zero that last 3 years. It did get warm enough yesterday that the snow finally melted off my south facing solar panels.
  11. -8.3⁰ will do it....if it wasn't cloudy until 1030 last night, we would have easily gotten to double digits here
  12. Just had the dog out, 11.0⁰ currently, crystal clear to my North and west, cloudy right over head on south and east. It just feels like the temperature wants to plummet, just waiting for the skies to clear....
  13. -7.1⁰ will do it, coldest temp since I moved here 4.5 years ago....
  14. -6.3⁰.....still have 45 minutes before the sun comes over the hill. If we stay clear tonight, I would assume we hit double digits here
  15. Impressive drop, 7.9⁰ here and dropping fast....
  16. GFS has a bunch of clippers out there, would be nice to get one just south of us......not the Gulf of Mexico
  17. 3.7" on the western side of Southbury @The 4 Seasons....Just nice to see some snow on the ground. I will complain about the bare ground already on the south facing slopes of the yard.
  18. Yeah, my official guess in the family guessing game was 4.7", will end up short of that most likely....had the whole family out including neighbors sledding for a good 2 hrs..doesn't take much to have a good time
  19. I hope we get in on that....snowing nicely finally...pushing an inch now, temp is dropping nicely now too, down to 31 degrees
  20. Lol...it was 41.2 for the high today, even had sun early on and the roads caved about 30 minutes ago....ground was frozen what I would assume half an inch below the surface, it was never going to take much to accumulate.
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