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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. 2 minute shower here, then the rain shield redeveloped....just humid and cloudy here
  2. 86/74 right now with more sun than clouds is quite stifling. Not a ton of rain over the past 3 days, but enough to green up vegetation and top off the pool. Feels like summer at least...
  3. Glad to see our daily anti rain shield has gone up...everything just dries up as it enters the Fairfield/New Haven County region....76/73 and we can't buy a downpour
  4. Working on a new pool deck, shoveling stone atm....unreal feeling out there. 82/77 right now, not use to this weather yet
  5. Almost as much as I have had in just over 2 months......have and have nots continues
  6. 2.39" here since May 1st, when it rains, it less than everywhere else it seems. Extra dry air in this desert valley it seems
  7. Saw that...we had a brief downpour here, but only 0.22" in the gauge this morning...air is sort of crisp, nice to get rid of the humidity for a bit. Smoke looks like it will be rolling in here though, rather have the humidity
  8. A whopping 0.25" over the past 24 hrs here....better than nothing, but seeing the heavy rain everywhere but here is certainly frustrating
  9. 0.88" here since May 22nd, definitely could use some heavy rain...We can jack in this area during the winter when it is above 32°, but not when it counts for the garden....
  10. That giant batch of rain to our south and west somehow fizzled out to a whopping 0 09". Stein's muscle is quite amazing around here....
  11. April/May look to that.....I have ran my A/C for 3 hours, one day so far. Pools FTL this year so far
  12. you would think, in the middle of June something like that would have some sort of severe outbreak around here....not this year I guess
  13. A "warm and muggy" 51.8⁰ this morning, beautiful start to the day....
  14. Actually feels like summer for the past 24 hrs....the low temps this month have been unreal from a gardening perspective. Low growth rates from large diurnal swings...
  15. 0.26" since May 22nd, even my yard clover is wilting....hopefully next week provides something
  16. sure would be nice to get some rain out of it down here.....missed to the north and south a couple days ago, bone dry around here
  17. It reminds me of a solar eclipse....chill to the air too, despite what is a fireball in the sky.
  18. 92.7⁰ here, torching under full sun, bone dry sand....lots of thunder to my north and west, but classiccurvature away from my neighborhood
  19. What is this!?!?! Haven't seen something like this in what seems forever.... 91.2⁰/62⁰
  20. High of 91⁰ here yesterday, off a low of 43.2⁰, not a bad swing...no A/C and the house was still 67⁰ when I got up this morning, low of 51⁰ last night
  21. So the year without a winter and now a year without a summer? No A/C would be nice.....
  22. 34.5 here, I thought upper 30s here.....bit too close for comfort
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