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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Insane....being in the shade right now causes immediate sweating
  2. 93.9/74.....HI 104+, wouldn't have thought that was possible for September 7th Pool temp has skyrocketed to 84°
  3. My wife and I can't decide where to take our 4 kids the last week of September. There are tons of Airbnb options from the Cape cod area to cabins on a lake. We typically travel late Spring/early summer, but we have some time now late September. Any thoughts from the locals? Thanks!
  4. 43 for the low here...house was in the mid 60s, just a bit chilly for September 1st
  5. Woke up to quite a light show...best storm of the year for here?
  6. Sun peeking out now after getting over an inch this morning, temp hanging around 71⁰
  7. Nice soaking rain this morning, 0.25 inch so far.... 66⁰ Kind of dry around here recently, around an inch since the 20th so this was needed
  8. Not a bit of sun here, 74/65...not expecting much around here
  9. Knock on wood, I have not found a nest on my property this year. Last year I had a large one in the wall of my bathroom and one in the stone wall around my pool. I had both taken care of professionally. Ladders and yellow jackets, not a combination I was going to take on....In years past, I have always waited until dusk, covered the hole with a window screen, then poured a combo of boiling water and Dawn dish soap. Shortly after, I would spray the hole with a eco friendly wasp spray. Never had issues after that. My neighbor has 2 large active nests that he is having someone take care of today. Bad year for the yellow jackets it seems....
  10. 46.0⁰, what a flip from July. Tomatoes and peppers can't be very happy this morning
  11. Already 65⁰ here....Kids jumping in the 88⁰ pool are going to freeze when they get out, lol
  12. It will change come November, just in time for "winter" to move in.....
  13. interesting as it remains cloudy up there and we have the sun breaking out down here.....probably ok because I really have no need for no power and the heat that is coming.
  14. seems like Saturday will be the first "real" cold front we have seen in what seems like forever.....can't wait to have the windows open for an extended period. hopefully it doesn't bring Canadian smoke this way
  15. 75/74 here, with a southerly breeze, it smells like the ocean and feels like Florida. Some sun peaking through, storms like to die out as they approach this small valley...so not expecting anything crazy, but we shall see I guess. This neighborhood did have the tornado remnants pass through back in 2018, so I guess it can happen.
  16. Wow, hit 53.1⁰ around 5:50 this morning, still 58⁰....house is kind of chilly, feels great.
  17. Newer houses maybe? Those tall trees were probably once protected from other trees around them. Newer construction diverting runoff towards the woods edge, combined with a ton of rain to begin with. A kid probably could have pushed them over if they tried hard enough....
  18. 87/75 atm...not sure how that doesn't fire something out there this afternoon. Should probably pump some water out of the already too high pool....a few weeks ago I was ready to have water delivered to top that thing off, now I am pumping it out
  19. Brief gusts to maybe 40ish, lots of lightning and thunder....pretty run of the mill thunderstorm. Between overnight and now, this might be the most lightning and thunder I have seen around here in the past 3 years combined. Impressive
  20. 64.4⁰ for the low, 73/70 atm...gotta get up early to enjoy the nice air, before the oven preheats
  21. I'm at 85/66 right now....feels great compared to what it has been, a/c was off for 12 hours but has now been kicked back on for the foreseeable future
  22. I keep watching the radar for the first batches of precip to fire south of the LI sound. Especially if the stationary band starts to develop N to S....the atmosphere seems to be primed for heavy precip wherever it develops
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