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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Hope so...although I like having my solar panels void of snow for obvious reasons. Its getting to the point down here at least, you almost need to start with...back in the day we actually had to shovel and snow blow our snow. Now just let the sun and warmth work it's magic, since 2022 at least...
  2. Not too worried....I actually received my first seed order today, so at this point I could go either way. Garden time soon....Lots of outdoor work to get done this Spring as well, so earlier the better. However, I still love how snow makes even the oldest folk act and feel like kids, so if it snows, awesome if it doesn't, time to start the spring work early....
  3. With a pasty snow and mid February sunshine, water will be pouring down rainspouts after the temps spike to 40...steam rising from the blacktop. Down here it will be done by 10 am, sun by noon
  4. And the 6z high for us in CT is now over..... Just kidding, its the icon...but i do thinknthis is coming north whether a last minute push or something earlier on. Hope the feeling is wrong, but having the bullseye, 3+ days out never bodes very well here.
  5. Overperformer today, 54⁰ and light winds....so ready for spring if it doesn't snow soon.
  6. 48 degrees here, but quite chilly with the lower dews, high clouds, and a breeze. Looking forward to this weekend, hopefully we can get that to go right....
  7. And it if was cold and snowy, it would be wrong....these past 2 years have been unreal. I am ready for Spring, lol....can we just flush all of the remaining cold air over to the other side of the planet? On the less pessimistic side of things, hopefully something breaks right the second half of the month....
  8. Not going to lie, last year and so far this winter have sucked (I have 20.3" of snow over the past 2 years, when I average around 45" per year at my location, even 21/22 was 13"ish below normal)....Yes the pattern looked great in the 10-15 day range over the past few days, but we are now seeing the Pacific look less impressive as we get within the 10 day window. All the while, losing the nice sustained PNA spike. This is the same song and dance we have seen over the past 2 years, so at this point sadly I expect failure(hopefully wrong). Hopefully we score a snowstorm or 2, but I fully expect lots of potential that ends up being screwed up by 50 shortwaves dancing around each east of the Mississippi.... Lets get 1 big snowstorm and bring on Spring!
  9. Hopefully more sun this time....solar production has horrendous so far this winter....at least my panels aren't caked in snow Honestly, time for Spring at this point. I noticed the models are finding ways to screw the pattern up already and we haven't even had the pattern flip yet. Pac going to crap as we get closer and too many shortwaves floating around creating interference. Should probably expect warm/wet, cold/dry pattern to close out the season.
  10. I was actually impressed with how our ground was turning white with a rain/snow mix....just below the surface was still frozen from all the cold we had prior to all of our recent rain.
  11. Golf ball sized flakes mixed in right now @ 175" 34.2⁰...flakes are so big, slush accumulates within minutes despite the above freezing temps. Almost 3/4 of an inch of rain so far
  12. Might push you over 10 at least for the year...despite the clown look, I could almost go all in on nothing but mangled flakes before the dryslot moves in. The hill that I can see from my deck will probably be plastered white
  13. Impressive resolution on that map, circled mylocation, right in the snow death valley of Southbury...quite impressive
  14. Baseball @zone nation, 1pm tomorrow...should be an interesting drive if anything with the elevation changes from here to there Hoping for a positive bust, but expecting mostly white rain here
  15. So Viginia isn't getting 3 ft this run? Model chaos, should be a fun couple of weeks
  16. I would be ok with a 34⁰ snowfall....would be a nice surprise, a nice March snowfall in the heart of winter
  17. Just from an observation stand point for this area(swct)...if the airmass that is currently outside is what we have to work with for most of our storm tomorrow, I can see how there will be little to any snow around here. Feels like an late March morning put there, birds are sing away too. Hopefully I will be eating these words tomorrow...
  18. I mean if we hadn't just endured last year and this year so far, I would be just a tad excited looking at the GFS and HRRR...but right now I just assume they are both wrong and take the warmest, least snowy model
  19. We need to make sure we have more inches of rain than inches of snow during another winter month....on schedule it seems
  20. That map is exactly how the last 2 winters have gone down here....unreal and better yet the RGEM will be correct, on a clown map 48hr+....again, congrats to those north of Uptons forecast region
  21. Assuming the 3k, rgem, and icon have the right idea...it is amazing how the weather keeps finding ways to not snow down here and this time with the single A models
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