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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. I have been noticing blocking starting to show up in the 10-15 day on both the GEFS and EPS. I would assume the 12z GFS run took that look into account this run, I will assume the 18z will replace the 12z trough with a ridge around here. But at least it is nice to look at, there is cold somewhere in North America to snow....I guess that is the first step at this point
  2. 23.2⁰, up to 30 now...looks and feels like it could snow. But 80 will still feel fantastic later this week....
  3. 24.8⁰, coldest of the season.....sun just peaking over the hill, so thankfully we should start warming up soon. Looking forward to the 70s next week.
  4. Hit 82.4⁰, despite some afternoon clouds. Still 80.2⁰ at 4:40 in the afternoon. The low was 41.7⁰, so a nice 40 degree swing today, just finished up some wiffle ball with the kids and ended sweating like it was summertime. No complaints....
  5. 75.4⁰/57⁰, definitely warm out there even with the breeze....
  6. Yeah....got the first 2 cords stacked, waiting for my last 2 early next week
  7. 26.1⁰ this morning, the most exciting weather in weeks, the clouds....
  8. Just in the past 20 minutes or so, we have gotten hazy with a strong smoke smell....I would assume it is coming from the fire near Pawling NY Indian summers are nice, but pretty sure they aren't suppose to be accompanied by raging wildfires.
  9. One of the things I hate about being in the valley....Everything has been killed off by the freezes last week. The tomatoes were just getting ready for round two, before the freeze. I had the dog out around 1030 a few evenings ago, it felt and sounded like early to mid summer. Something isn't right.....
  10. Ha, 86.2⁰ for the high....just doesn't feel right
  11. Yeah, my soil is straight sand to begin with, so when it doesn't rain our yard looks like it does in Southern California.....
  12. 0.05" here for the month...has to be some sort of record at this point. Just saw parts of New Mexico had more rain in a few hours than they typically do in 6 months, seems to be a reoccurring theme around the world recently. Tons of rain, then nothing then back to floods......
  13. 81 here at the moment, off of a low of 31.8....first night with a low in the 30s, we had 20s the previous 6 nights
  14. Here in my bone dry, sandy valley we went from 26.6 to 69.3 today.....quite warm in the sun too
  15. Yeah, not a good sign moving into November...But not surprised at this point. Got down to 26.6⁰ this morning Next stop, stick season...
  16. 27.1⁰ for the low this morning, the coldest so far this season. Only hit 59⁰ so far.... Thanks....It's actually a Regency, it has been a workhorse since we got it a few years ago. We have used roughly 3-4 cords per season combined with 75 - 100 gallons of oil for our 2600 sqft house.
  17. Already 51⁰ off a high of 58⁰, first fire in the woodstove....
  18. Wind died down, 28.9⁰ this morning....first 20s of the season here in my microclimate
  19. I have had 1.23" since the flood on August 19th....We had more rain in 1 hr on the 19th than we have had in almost 2 months since then....someone clearly flipped a switch
  20. Tried making a run below 30, but will most likely come up short....currently 30.6⁰. Growing season has ended, minus what is close to the house....
  21. Could see almost all the colors with the naked eye at one point...
  22. Already down to 43.3....unless clouds roll in, we are going to at minimum have a frost here
  23. Was it Irma that eventually brushed the coast of Cuba when it wasn't forecasted to do so? Maybe this one ends up doing the same thing?
  24. 36.7⁰ for the low, wasn't expecting that this morning....hopefully no frost anywhere, left the sensitive plants outside
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