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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Lol, its like the desert southwest here in north/central Fairfield county. Still waiting for the monsoon season to start....less than 2.0" since July 23rd
  2. It took driving through the mountains of PA on Friday to experience the best storm in years...sitting in bumper to bumper traffic ontop of the mountain with cloud to ground strikes all around was amazing to experience, reminded me of the movie War of the Worlds. It would have been more enjoyable if it weren't for the 3 kids screaming and crying in terror....
  3. The chill has eyes on SNE, Lol.....
  4. North of here got it really bad...we got some wind, but the brunt of it was Brookfield on south eastward, which was ok because we didn't need to go days without power. I just want some rain!!!
  5. Glad to see the Newtown storm shield is up and running...there has been thunder near by, now 3 days in a row with not even a drop of rain, unreal how convection always misses this area in every direction!
  6. Just like making ice cream the old fashion way, melt the ice in order to freeze the cream mixture. Yes you get ice cream out of the process, but eventually that ice cream will melt too...maybe the glaciers/ice caps melting is sustaining the "cold" in the Siberian for the time being and we are getting some of the goods on this end as well. But as soon as all of the ice melts, the cooling effect disappears and the ice cream melts too! Simple thermodynamics says we are screwed right?
  7. Wonder if this has anything to do with magnetic north shifting towards that region? There is so much that we dont really understand with regards to that phenomenon and how it will impact the global climate...
  8. Luckily it missed us as well, just a few loud rumbles of thunder, definitely makes you a bit nervous being that deep in the woods, no cell service, no access to radarscope, lol...we were actually at Steep Rock Preserve, might have actually been north of you
  9. Just spent the afternoon up in your neck of the woods and was 3 miles into a hike with the 3 kids when that storm popped up out of nowhere...had a panicking 8 year old after the first crack of thunder, lol...
  10. Have to wonder if the solar min has anything to do with this or it is just a huge coincidence. I know there is on going research but wasn't sure how concrete the evidence was at this point...
  11. I am thankful for AC when it is needed, but I prefer to have the windows open as much as possible...keep the windows shut in the winter!
  12. Last night was the first night I noticed the loss of daylight, maybe it was the cool evening that triggered my brain to think fall was coming...when it is roasting at dusk, I dont care whether it is 730 or 930...
  13. 54.7 for the low this morning, beautiful...get a few school buses going and it would almost sound and feel like September out there.
  14. This thing was rotating when the first line came through...looked fun
  15. Lots of rain and some lightning, but we are good here....storms always weaken by the time they make it here for whatever reason...exception was last year's tornado of course!
  16. Expected to have more wind and lightning here...heavy rains incoming againthough, probably areas of 2 to 4 inches of rain if it keeps training like this...
  17. It kinds has that feel out there right now, but who knows...just like in the winter it will find someway to miss here. We need the rain, I have needed to water the garden more than I like over the past 3 weeks, so a nice soaking after this weekend would be nice!
  18. 84.6/67 right now, hardly a cloud in the sky...borderline hot right now
  19. A few peeks of sun showing up now and if the Satellite is correct it seems we clear out shortly...should be enough to destabilize for later?
  20. looks like 95.2 will do it here...hot, but at least the humidity dialed back a bit so while it feels hotter than yesterday it is a bit more manageable.
  21. temp is 92.2/79 off a high of 92.8, temp has been pretty steady with an increase in cloud cover....this was pretty normal during the summer where I lived in Delaware
  22. 88.0/78.2 with a HI of 101 at 10:13 am...not too bad
  23. 86.5/78 on the Davis...not sure why the dewpoint tends to run high, the unit is less than 2 years old. I have a ton of greenery around, but it sits about 15 ft above the ground and tends to get a good breeze.
  24. Not too far to your north, I only have 0.67 inches in the past 2 days...amazing
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