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Everything posted by Spanks45

  1. Already down to 44 degrees, wind was impressive. Schools are closed, so I would assume trees and powerlines down everywhere.
  2. Coming from Delaware, even last year's 35ish inches doubled what I would normally see down there. So I guess I can't complain. It definitely seems like everything has been missing to the east recently....
  3. Yes please! Since I moved up here in December of 2014 there has not been much in the way of "extended" cold and snow outside of February 2015...It is about time, it has been more like the northern Mid Atlantic than SNE.
  4. I know it is day 10, but that is some cold air pressing south at the end of the run...Not a snowy look, but quite cold for November standards.
  5. My sister in law lives in Santa Clarita and was evacuated last night. They just dealt with an earthquake a couple months ago...I'm not sure what the allure is to live there!
  6. 31.1 forecast was 37...finally got a freeze
  7. I have been 32.7 and 33.1 earlier in the month....We radiate well in my location, my temp is almost always within a degree of DXR, despite being almost 15 miles away
  8. Right around 400, much lower than than areas to my west...I am almost in the valley of the Housatonic when looking at a topo map. You?
  9. 32.2, so close...wind didn't go calm until after 4
  10. For whatever reason, this storm makes me ready for the first snow....
  11. Gusty here, 0.35" of rain so far....Some really large rain drops when the heavier echoes go by
  12. 33.1 here, another frost, but no freeze yet...0z GFS was fun to see, but we all know how that will end up.
  13. Great trip up to Mt Washington. Foliage was was peak in some spots, but still really green in others. Way too quick though, need way more time to explore! Beautiful State! Wind chill at the summit was near 20, felt refreshing...
  14. Figures....sitting in Fitchburg MA right, weather looks good for today north of here, going to make a quick trip up Mt Washington this afternoon. Hoping we are saying this in a couple months and we are converting those inches of rain into feet of snow
  15. When do you think we will have a better handle on where/if this is even happening? I had plans to stay in central NH Wed-Fri, but havent booked yet.. Definitely not going up there is this is actually coming...
  16. Heading up to NH Wednesday through Friday, hoping the rain Monday doesn't ruin it too much by then. Thursday looks nice enough as of now for a trip up Mt Washington....
  17. Finally down to 72 outside, but still 82 in the house....
  18. 87.3 for the high, still 83.4 where is that front? I refuse to turn the a/c on....
  19. Not familiar with the area so looking for any suggestions.... We ditched our family trip to the OBX next week and are planning on heading north next week, a couple days to Great Wolf lodge to keep the kids happy, but hoping to explore NH/Southern Maine. Weather looks chilly but nice Wednesday/Friday and will just Airbnb something once we set a destination. Kids are younger, but love hiking....Thanks!
  20. I was hoping to book a last minute vacation to the Outer Banks, October can be wonderful or dreadful down there....I have been watching closely for next week, the front looks like it is going to get hung up somewhere along the east coast, I wonder if something tries to develop next week along that front, somewhere along the SE coast?
  21. 48 here, still 50.4 atm.....colder than I expected here
  22. Lol at 18z GFS...not sure it will accumulate with the sun angle this time of year.
  23. Some ice on the deck as well....hopefully this kills off some of the bugs!
  24. 36.3 here and still dropping, tomatoes are definitely not going to like this....
  25. 44.4 for the low here...if the conditions are right, I wonder if we break 40 Thursday morning?
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