Could not have asked for a better day in the alpine yesterday; I summited Mount Adams around 10:30am and could see clear to the Atlantic Ocean! I've been up there a bunch, but I have never seen such unlimited visibility before. It was 16 degrees with a wind averaging in the 15-20 mph, so I didn't snap too many pics as my hands got cold fast.
Definitely looks like an interesting couple of days up here. Again, I don't expect much (if anything) from the upslope event here in Jackson though I am interested in seeing how the Froude number applies here in the Whites. It continues to look like there is pretty good Windex potential tomorrow night as that second impulse swings through, so if we're finally going to whiten the ground in my location this is probably our best shot.
Pic below is from the summit of Mount Adams looking toward Mount Madison yesterday morning.