They've been pretty consistent with the Monday/Tuesday deal - I think that's going to be an ugly, ugly event for us. But I'm a little more optimistic about the event to follow on 12/3-4. The Euro still shows rain with that one for now, but I think there's a better chance of that shifting to a more agreeable solution. We'll see.
I know the Vermonters here are at or above normal in the snowfall department this month, but I can't imagine that's the case here. To be eeking my way toward a 1" seasonal total on November 25th at 1500' has to be below normal here. Relative to normal, I think the Route 16 corridor from Jackson down toward Ossipee has had it the worst so far. We don't get the upslope, and we missed the two synoptic events that delivered snow to other parts of the state on 10/17 and 10/30.