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    Pea Ridge, AR

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  1. I would just like something to track over a few runs. I feel like I may need to take a break for a few days. Maybe things will look better in the new year.
  2. Man. I really want to be inspiring at this point. But after the last 24 hours of model mayhem I’ve become comfortably numb. But I will say this, I think this is a really complex system that has caused the models a lot of trouble and we have the benefit of high ratios. I think we will get a nice snow to look at just not the big storm we were expecting from a few days ago. Go team!
  3. GFS needs to quit playing games with my heart. It can’t cave to the Euro like that then come back and give me hope.
  4. Yep. Looks a lot like its 18z run yesterday. Even has that second little system that swings through after the main wave.
  5. To me the GFS appeared to take a step toward the Euro’s 12z run. Who knows what the Canadian was thinking. I guess it wanted to shut down central Arkansas for a couple of weeks.
  6. Need a slight northwest trend from his friend from Canada. Either way I’m not complaining. GEM totals are crazy when you think about the possibility of 20:1 ratios.
  7. That is some cold air that snow will be falling into on Monday morning according to the 18z GFS.
  8. It’s so nice to know other people go through this. Most people just don’t understand weather model addiction. The worst part is when someone wants to make small talk about the weather and I want to do a frame by frame breakdown of why everything they just said was completely incorrect.
  9. 12z GFS for the win on Friday for nwa. My goodness!
  10. I would say about an inch here just north of Pea Ridge. I think Fayetteville was the big winner with this. Heard 49 south of Fayetteville is a mess.
  11. The GFS has storm after storm coming through our area. Canadian doesn’t look bad either. Looks like an exciting next couple of weeks.
  12. Well the 00z GFS at hour 162 is certainly something.
  13. I just checked the GFS after reading your post. Yeah. I say we lock that storm in. Gives me a little over 2 feet of snow. I could use a few weeks off work.
  14. 00z GEM with something similar at that time as well.
  15. 18z GFS for the win especially over northern Arkansas and southern Missouri for the March 3 system.
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