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Everything posted by A777

  1. 12/16 - 2.4" 12/17 - 0.1" 12/18 - 0.1" 12/20 - T 12/25 - T 1/25 - 0.5" Total - 3.1"
  2. 12/16 - 2.4" 12/17 - 0.1" 12/18 - 0.1" 12/20 - T 12/25 - T ("White Christmas") Total - Still 2.6"
  3. 12/16 - 2.4" (Apparently sleet counts?) 12/17 - 0.1" 12/18 - 0.1" I had 2.6" last winter.....
  4. A quarter inch of sleet topped with a dusting of snow, on the back end.
  5. 31-degree rain in Rockville. Had 2.2" before the transition, but a quarter of that is gone...
  6. Abrupt flip from huge flakes to sleet in NW rockville... 1.8 inches on my deck
  7. Heavily snowing in Rockville. 2/3 of an inch on my deck, probably over an inch in my backyard.
  8. A dusting on neighborhood streets in NW Rockville
  9. A few wet flakes mixing in. I'm at 470' My first flakes of the season
  10. The I-70 at MD-27 cam shows a few flakes mixing in
  11. 42 and very windy... could use some flurries
  12. The middle of the line broke up before it reached me... nothing but some light drizzle here.
  13. HRRR gets my area up to 500 CAPE before the line comes through
  14. Had to increase my predictions with the upcoming pattern looking decent... maybe we'll get lucky before severe season begins in January
  15. Backyard thermometer says its 35... I guess its the type they use at DCA
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