:-) My Son's birthday on on St. Patrick's Day. He is 22 this year. Depending on how well his basketball team does getting into and prolonging their postseason, he will probably be out at Brewer's Alley in Frederick watching and having a good time :-)
I recently went to GOG.com and bought the old Goldbox D&D games I played as a teenager. Playing Curse of the Azure Bonds now....My family just ridcules me. :-)
Agree. I'm here to learn from everyone and some snarkiness is good, but it sometimes does get out of hand.
We have lost some folks who put sincere effort into helping us all learn because of this in the past few years.
I agree. I know that Home Field advantage means something, but in the big picture, it really doesn't matter that much. If you want to get to the Super Bowl, you still need to beat everyone, regardless of seeding.
That strip mall has been there as long as I can remember. Looks to have metal studs and probably had an updated facade at some point, but It was standing at least in the late 80s.