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Everything posted by toolsheds

  1. Happy Belated @WxWatcher007. Hope today is a good chase day!
  2. It was miserable in person. Left fight before Adley hit his HR. Heading back today since softball was cancelled. They can't have 2 stinkers in a row, right?
  3. it was enough to cancel softball at Cedar lane park for today.
  4. I haven't watched it yet, but the one actor was on shameless and was fantastic. How is he on this one?
  5. Just missed me to your west.......
  6. @mappy...Happy B day....I hope it is a great one!
  7. Took my daughter and her friends last night. We had seats in the pavillion and they chose lawn. Luckily nobody sat behind us and we snuck them, in just as Weezer started :-) It was a great show...hope you enjoyed!
  8. Same here with my S21 Ultra. I took the picture and the camera "processed" it for me and they went away. Any luck with settings to keep the sunspots on the image?
  9. It will. My "little" girl graduated from HS on Monday. :-) and :-( Empty house this fall as I'll have 3 kids in college this year.
  10. Happy Birthday @H2O! Looks like a great day on tsp for you.
  11. :-) I wish I could have made it down there. I had Cataract surgery on Thursday and am still under Dr. Orders to take it easy....:( I have plenty in the fridge thought :-)
  12. Hit Up RAR....they had their Star Wars OOO drop this week and still have some in the fridge.
  13. Route 32 in Westminster was closed between Carroll Community College and Kate Wagner road due to downed poles. ANyone know if this was accident related, or storm?
  14. There is a large brush fire north of Manchester....Maybe smoke from that?
  15. Drove by the damage along Newton Road and 404 this afternoon on the way home from Bethany. Quite a few homes severly damaged, and the interesting thing is that they are spaced so far apart. Saw a lot of roof damage as well. Tons of trees down. 2 or 3 of the large farm pivot sprinklers were twisted and flipped as well.
  16. I woke up at 5:15 and was 31. Dipped to 29 about an hour later.
  17. Me too for the past 4. Think of the $$ you are saving from Gas alone.
  18. isn't that like an episode of the twilight zone. You get bonus points if they also change the litter box!
  19. That was a total shocker. Man U had been playing so well lately too and had a majority of the opportunities before Liverpool struck in the 43rd minute. Then the floodgates opened up. I felt bad for DeGea, not much he could have done.
  20. I heard something around noon, but thought it was thunder.
  21. Great for her! Mass transit is really head and shoulders above that which we have in the US (outside of major cities). I wonder if they have a dysfunctional weather blog family over there too. :-)
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