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Everything posted by toolsheds

  1. Goes all the way back to 1996 and my first horrible fantasy football team. :-) The team was so bad that some of the folks in that league tried to change the name to ToolSh1ts.
  2. Anyone else heading to CFG tonight to see Tool?
  3. Sorry I didn't see this. Was in bed with Covid since Thursday. The rumble was in Mt Airy and some folks in New Windsor heard it as well.
  4. Anyone feel/hear a very loud rumble which lasted about 3 seconds at approximately 3:45? the house shook, and others a few miles away felt it as well. USGS has no earthquake listed, so just curious. @Eskimo Joe, Any fire activity that you know of? My mother usually calls me when something close comes over the scanner, but she didn't.
  5. I say we just forget about the Reaper and crown you the "Reefer". You can help everyone relax come late December relax if we don't see any snow.
  6. It really is. I don't have any education in weather but really enjoy coming here to learn and post observations. I really wish that some folks can understand what banter is and where it should be posted. I'm sure that I am guilty of bantering outside of that thread, but ti does get cumbersome trying to read through the "junk" to get to the legit posts and real discussion. It would be nice to be bale to create a thread and only let certain folks --Mostly Red Taggers and a select few be allowed to post within. That would definitely keep down on the noise.
  7. BWI: 44.3” DCA: 33.6” IAD: 44.2” RIC: 26.4” Tiebreaker SBY: 23.5”
  8. Seems like getting some of the young ones from the farm system is paying off. I wasn't expecting much this season and still am not holding high hopes, but will be happy as long as it lasts. I do think that Ovi will take longer to get to Gretzky though than most people think.
  9. Picked the middle child up from Towson this afternoon and it was bad. Then turned around and went to pick #3 up from Philly. I left at 4L30 and didn't arrive up there until 8:45. We just pulled in. Hit that heavy line on the way back on 95 near White Marsh. It was intense and the visibility was probably only about 100 feet at times. Off to bed.
  10. Just saw a commercial for a NFL game on Friday afternoon.....I really miss the days when football was just on Sunday afternoons and Monday night.
  11. This is a close call. It did look as if the defender was in legal guarding position (LGP) and outside the restrictive circle before Dunn planted to attempt the dunk. One move by the defender which may have also led to the "block" charge was the slight lean backwards before the contact occurred. The lean backwards in anticipation can take you out of LGP and that will sway some officials to call the Block rather than the charge. I am only certified for up to high school, but our board and some of the Official sites I use review all types of plays from all levels. If this one comes up for review, I'll come back with an update.
  12. Is it safe to assume that this is the smell outside this morning? Looks like air quality really bad up the I81 corridor too.
  13. Just checked the temp on the deck. Down to 40.1.
  14. I sent an idea to the NBA about 6 years ago which would help avoid tanking. Instead of having the crap lottery where nobody sees the actual lottery until they put the teams in the envelopes, they could have a tournament to decide who gets the top pick. Every team who misses the playoffs is in the tournament. If you win, you get the first pick, come in second, you get the second pick, etc..... This would force the teams who tank to have to play to get the first pick and give those teams fighting for a playoff spot the change for it as well. It would also give a few more games to those non-playoff teams and give their fans something to pull for even though their team can't win a title. It's not the perfect solution, but takes the opportunity for the NBA to just give the first pick to whoever they want to, which is probably what happens now.
  15. Saw this beaut the other day.
  16. These were still shots. Here is a video I found on youtube of most of the concert. Take a quick watch to see how some of the moving visuals looked....It really brings a new experience to a concert...almost like wearing a VR headset.
  17. I was in Vegas over the weekend for a Wedding and had a blast. It was in the 90s on Thur. and Fri., but didn't even hit 80 o Sat or Sun...kind of chilly. I was also very fortunate to get last minute tickets to see U2 at Sphere. It was an amazing show and I'll post pics when I get some time tomorrow.
  18. Does it seem that they are relying on matchups when playing the relievers? Too many times you see a guy come in for the 6th, and handle the order with no issues to only to face 3 batters. maybe they should let them stay to start the next inning would allow them to conserve some of the arms. I didn't play baseball past the 7th grade, but think I know enough about the sport to think that the revolving door from the bullpen could be causing this issue.
  19. Basketball is starting up slowly. I have a Referee gig in District Heights on Sat morning and one in New Windsor Sat evening. Good timing with the rain.
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