My wife has been teaching her second grade class in a hybrid solution for the whole school year. She has 12 in the classroom and 5 learning virtually. This is extremely difficult. It's hard to get the proper attention to both sets of students. In order to prepare for the school day, she leaves for the classroom by 6:30 am. While in the classroom, she doesn't get much free time for planning. There is no recess aid and until last week, there was no Art/Music teacher, which meant that she only had 12 minutes while students were at school for a break. She gets home by no earlier than 6:00 pm each night. After dinner, she has to prepare assignments for the next day, because they need to be sent to the virtual students so they are prepared. She uses the weekend to set up lesson plans for the upcoming week and to catch up on grading assignments.
I'm not trying to paint a woe is me (or she) with this post, but wanted to just post an account of what it is like for teachers who are still in the classroom.