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Everything posted by toolsheds

  1. She's a tough cookie, but it is very stressful. She obviously doesn't do it for the $$$$, because we all know that teachers don't get paid much, and being in a catholic school, salaries are even less. Fortunately my two who are still at home are old enough to manage on their own. :-)
  2. My wife has been teaching her second grade class in a hybrid solution for the whole school year. She has 12 in the classroom and 5 learning virtually. This is extremely difficult. It's hard to get the proper attention to both sets of students. In order to prepare for the school day, she leaves for the classroom by 6:30 am. While in the classroom, she doesn't get much free time for planning. There is no recess aid and until last week, there was no Art/Music teacher, which meant that she only had 12 minutes while students were at school for a break. She gets home by no earlier than 6:00 pm each night. After dinner, she has to prepare assignments for the next day, because they need to be sent to the virtual students so they are prepared. She uses the weekend to set up lesson plans for the upcoming week and to catch up on grading assignments. I'm not trying to paint a woe is me (or she) with this post, but wanted to just post an account of what it is like for teachers who are still in the classroom.
  3. That wont matter anymore...now they can all learn virtually, so unless there is a major snowstorm, I see a lot of school systems cancelling more and having a virtual/remote class day if the weather forecast has any change of being risky.
  4. Makes sense. I think ti goes back to the limited time for training camps because of Covid. I know these players are world class athletes, and most of them do keep in superior shape year round, but being in shape and being in game shape are two different things. Way too many non-contact injuries across the board for the league this year.
  5. i also thought it was strange that Lamar only ran 2 or 3 times. Last year, he would take off when nobody was open downfield. He also seemed to step up in the pocket and run more last year as well. He now seems to be trying to force passes, when he could be getting 5 to 7 yards each time. Some of this is probably the coaching staff trying to keep him healthy, but he needs to bring a little of that style of play back to be more successful
  6. This season has been pretty awful so far....keep in mind, without preseason and normal training camps, all players are not in their best playing shape and probably won't be for a few more weeks. It can probably also account for most of the injuries as well so far.
  7. BWI: 10/26 RIC: 11/14 IAD: 10/26 DCA: 11/23 tie: 87
  8. Good...I was getting ready to make a call for you :-)
  9. I hope he isn't the one on Main St in Hampstead. I know that guy fairly well and would hope that he is a good dentist.
  10. I saw a few here as well dipping in the flowers, Must be heading down south. I tried to get a pic with my phone, but they were way too fast.
  11. If you have more issues in the future, I have a guy up north who I've used and seems to be honest and relatively inexpensive. If it comes to that, PM me and I can get you his contact info.
  12. I had to put a box fan in the window to get air at night. I grew upon main street in Manchester and always remember the fire siren going off at 2:00 am....what a wake up call in the middle of a hot summer night! My mother still doesn't have central air, just a few window units, which she never really uses.
  13. I'm sorry about this....Ours went up right before the July 4th week. Was without AC for 9 days during the heat. I told my kids that we were going retro, Back to the 80s when I grew up without AC.
  14. I saw that cell develop right north of me and watched it move towards New Windsor.
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