Me too! I also remember the many times when a storm rolled in overnight and blew the fan out of the window...scared the crap out of me every time.
The fire station siren at 2:00 am was also pleasant.
Funny thing is, my mother still has no central air....just 2 window units.
Congrats! My son graduates tonight...with 2 out of 3 now done high school, it will be a very quite house in a few years, unless the older ones are still at home paying off college loan debt.
I hope it does. My son is graduation ceremony is at 6:00 at the AG center in Westminster in one of the exhibition pavillions.
Not the best place to be if something rolls through.
I could see the wiz maybe getting 2 wins, but no more. they have played well in the past months, but they still make way too many dumb mistakes and play no defense. They also won't score more than 110 per game either.
We need Len to Cover Embiid and hack the crap out of him. Maybe his 6th foul breaks a pinky and he is out for the remainder of the playoffs. If he wins the MVP over Jokic, it will be a travesty....he missed 21 games, almost a third of the season.
Do you know if they have any Out of Order loose can onsite to buy? I've seen their releases and have always wanted to try them, but wasn't sure if they had any at their shop post the release date. I'm heading down to the beach this weekend and would stop by if there was a chance that they had any.
I know we are not heading into a long term gas shortage, but if you are low on gas, don't wait until tomorrow morning to fill your tank. Go out now and get it.