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Everything posted by toolsheds

  1. I'm going to bite the bullet too.....From all of the many posts from the screenshots, it looks amazing compared to everything else out there.
  2. This ^^^^^^^ Is great! I don't have swimmers, but I see the same through basketball/softball. Nobody can take the time to run the clock or keep score for the basketball games. Moms pulling single serve bottles of Sutter Home out of their purses to get their fix on. Happy my boys are now in college and I don't have to deal with that. On the diamond, we can't forget all of the diva moms at softball. Not to mention the stereotypical softball coach - beer belly, oversized Under Armor Tee shirt or wife beater, backwards baseball cap with the wrap around mirrored red tinted shades, oversized athletic shorts which extend past the knee but show their calf tattoo, mangled goatee and the quintessential Beavis and Butthead white socks with black shoes. At least I can sit way down the foul line or even beyond the outfield fence to keep my space from all of the craziness at the field. Here's one I saw this weekend....the lazy kids with the electric scooters who ride all over the park through the crowds while their sister plays....I hate those things, just making the kids lazier than they already are.
  3. I guess I never paid attention to those ages/milestones. :-) I guess it makes sense because my wife started getting AARP stuff in the mail last year. I am not far behind @H2O, and and feel nothing at all close to being a senior citizen. Ha...I'll even venture out on a limb and say that he doesn't either.
  4. Don't worry...I wasn't offended at all. You are only as old as you feel....or act, and my kids are always rolling their eyes at me.
  5. what is the cutoff for being old? :-)
  6. just finished a call with my teammates in Omaha. They will have 105+ temps for a few days. That will make it tough for the remaining teams in the College World Series.
  7. Weather looks great for today as well. I get to drive a little west of @CAPE to watch my Daughter's softball game this afternoon. Should be great weather for the game!
  8. I'm right behind you and not even close to being ready for retirement....Congrats!
  9. Congrats for rewarding yourself!
  10. kind of like comparing Jordan to Lebron.
  11. Looked to be about 1/2 inch in diameter Its calmed down for a few minutes but another cell is coming in.
  12. We have some hail in the Cell over SW Carroll County.
  13. Chernobyl was really good! Perry Mason was good as well. You also need to watch Vice Principals and the Righteous Gemstones....some Danny McBride specials.
  14. I've got a guy....let me know if you want his info.
  15. great! When mine went up last year and i found a shop which sold me the capacitor for 8 bucks. I replaced it, but it was the compressor, but not bad for a quick attempt. Funny thing is....my neighbor just texted and said his upstairs unit has a leak....:-)
  16. what was the problem this time?
  17. Keep an eye on it though. If it was low, there might be a leak.
  18. Ha! We grew potatoes in our ground cellar...
  19. Not old enough for the lemonade, but we were definitely Kool Aid kids!
  20. I bet he makes it for 3 more.......modern medicine could make it possible.
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