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Everything posted by toolsheds

  1. Was down at Bachman park in AA county for my daughter's softball tournament. We were able to get 2 games in and then is let loose. The southern end of the storm hit us and looks like we got well over 1.5 inches waiting the rain out until the called it for the day. Before the rain...it was miserably hot and humid.
  2. So sorry to hear this. Sending thoughts and prayers your family's way.
  3. Sincere Congratulations! You have worked hard to get where you are and leaving on your own terms. I'm happy for you!
  4. I bet you that he gets so bored in a few weeks that he gets a job as a Wal-Mart greeter.
  5. I know a few single family homes which are rented around me. Nothing fancy, but I think they are around. Might make sense to use a real estate agent to look for rentals for you to make the job a little easier.
  6. My wife is a teacher, which is not a great profession for anxiety. She is a catholic school teacher and was in the classroom for the entire year teaching virtual and in person students. this only added to the pressure to perform. She handled it well, but IMHO she doesn't get paid 1/4 of what she should for the time she puts in, not only during the school year, but also over the summer preparing for the next year. @WinterWxLuvr, I'm sure you feel the same way.
  7. I totally agree. I personally don't have an issue with anxiety, but my wife and son both do. Unless you see it in action and how it shuts a perfectly functional human being down, you can't comprehend what it can do. I agree that breathing strategies are good to help bring someone out of the anxious state. My son also was given a strategy to go to his happy place by think about the things which take him there. That strategy was really good when he was younger. @mappy - Know that all of us have your back and know that you will knock those presentations out of the park!
  8. I made the mistake of watering the flowers last night at 9:30....20 minutes later a quick pop-up shower formed and then turned into that amazing light show. Maybe I should water the flowers this afternoon to spurn the storms for the late afternoon/evening :-)
  9. Does that mean that any PRs from last night have an asterisk like those wind aided times in track and field?
  10. I have had 2 of the Char Broil "infrared" grills over the past 16 years. I have not burned any food at all with either of them. THe pnly problem is keeping them clean. you really need to break them down after each use, which can be a pain.
  11. PSA...make sure you have the latest windows update on your PC and or Printers to safeguard from the print-hack exploit.
  12. Hotdog jello molds are soft and squishy.
  13. Trying Blackberry Barbecue Sloppy Joes for dinner tonight.......hopefully it turns out tasty.
  14. Hope you have a great day!
  15. Phenomenal day for 4 softball games!
  16. also lost our Levels. :-)
  17. I loved downshifting through the winding backwoods roads of Carroll and Baltimore Counties growing up. It really was a fun ride. I also noticed that my break pads didn't wear as much either.
  18. the arch cramping......
  19. My MIL built onto our house about 6 years ago. She added two of the Mitsubishi units (ne for each room) which connect to a single outside unit and does a good job in both summer and winter. I think the total cost for everything was about 6K.
  20. Shocker. great finishes by Sterling and the ever so aging Kane. Mueller choked on Sterling's bad turnover....
  21. looked at the reading from my thermometer on the deck and it said 98.8. It does have some indirect sunlight, so i think that is a little high, but just shocked to see that on the readout.
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