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Doc Jon

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Everything posted by Doc Jon

  1. Lightning in the eyewall again - North and even Western sides too, looks like she's getting ornery!
  2. Anyone notice all that lightning cropping up in the core of Idalia?
  3. lightning starting up in the CoC again.
  4. yeesh, good point. Gas already costs a fortune and it's not like refineries grow on trees.
  5. Oakville floodgate in Alliance has failed, floodwaters heading North on Hwy. 23. Plaquemines Parish Government website.
  6. 6-7 feet of water over I-10 at I-55 interchange.
  7. Lafitte Mayor says levee was overtopped, pleading for help with water rescues - WGNOtv
  8. no they failed in the city proper but it did take a good, long time for the word to get out. It was basically like this until they managed to get a chopper up and then the world could see that the levees had failed.
  9. didn't catch it, they mentioned it as part of a rescue call. I'll see if I can catch a cross-street if I hear anything.
  10. from scanner - water 10 feet high in Jefferson Parish
  11. okay, this could potentially be bad - reports of flooding at Waterford Nuclear Power Plant in Killona.
  12. 2900 block of Donner drive in New Orleans flooded, water rising.
  13. thanks. I was wondering about how sturdy they were.
  14. question - are those levees earthen levees that erode when overtopped or full-on concrete flood walls anchored in Casons driven into the bedrock? Anyone know?
  15. Jefferson Parish EMS scanner, something about people needing roof rescues, water rising to roof-level? Sorry, couldn't quite make it out but something like that...
  16. sorry, just wondering if a levee broke.
  17. when they say "emergency" doesn't that mean there IS, definitely, already a flash flood going on?
  18. regarding those generators, this IS a government project we're talking about, I'm sure they don't work because somebody put 'em in the basement and it's now flooded!
  19. hard to imagine that camera is in a restaurant parking lot!
  20. I noticed that too, was going to ask if anyone else noticed it was starting to get an Eastern component?
  21. there was some pretty good lightning in the core in the last 30 minutes or so.
  22. Can, anyone comment on that most recent recon data?
  23. Mitch hit a fairly populated coast compared with where Eta's going - there's nothing on the Mosquito coast but snakes, crocks and Dengue fever. Amazing tarpon fishing but that's beside the point. Unfortunately, however, Eta has apparently set its sights on the one population center in the entire region. There are about 60-70,000 people right in the target area.
  24. yep. This is the year of Murphy's Law squared. This year, if it might, kinda, sorta, barely, potentially possibly go wrong... it WILL!!!...
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