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Everything posted by Intensewind002

  1. 90/78/105 nasty out right now
  2. 87/69/91 for the max today, four 90s for 2023 and I should add 3 more over the next few days
  3. Storm pulling the ol “break apart as it gets to LI”. I didn’t expect much today but I’m still disappointed…
  4. 0.01” of rain here, most of it looks to miss to the south but i can maybe squeeze out 0.2-0.4
  5. Picked up 0.53” of rain here. Still need a true drought buster in my locale…
  6. Impressive temperature drop at FRG it went from 82 to 72 in half an hour
  7. Radar estimates already have you between 0.5” and 0.75” all within what 10-15 minutes?
  8. 84/74/91 currently, high for the day was 86
  9. The event looks largely over but I did pick up another 0.02” giving me a final total of 0.91” for the day
  10. Last time I had rain that heavy was probably August 2014 that was like 6” of rain though, this event reminds of that but a little farther east
  11. Wow 0.89” here and I’m maybe a mile to your west. Sharp cutoff, FRG has less than half an inch
  12. Absolutely nasty out right now 80/78. No rain today though
  13. Out of all the users here, rain probably hates you more than anyone else this summer lol
  14. Picked up 0.5” in 15 minutes here before, 0.54” in total for this morning. Meanwhile places south of Sunrise Highway got barely a drop
  15. Really steamy out today, 84/76/93 for the high so far
  16. Back to nasty dewpoints here, currently 77/74
  17. 93/66 currently, 4th 90 of the year and the hottest it’s gotten so far this year for me
  18. https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?zoneid=CAZ522 NWS forecasting a high of 130 for Death Valley on Monday
  19. 92 for the high today, 3rd 90 of the summer for me.
  20. Picked up about 0.45” of rain from the showers today, which at least is double of what i had previously over the last couple of weeks. Let’s see if I can get close to an inch through the morning hours
  21. I feel like we never even got a chance to recover from last summers drought, did we ever drop below D0 since then?
  22. Well at least I picked up 0.10” with these showers passing through
  23. 90/76/102 currently, second 90 of the summer for me
  24. High of ~91 here, currently 86/74/94, temp dropped when the marine layer moved in at around 2pm, before then it was fluctuating between 89-91
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