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Everything posted by Intensewind002

  1. Wow, might be the first time we've ever seen grounds obs record the maximum sustained winds
  2. Hopefully he makes it out alright, I’m presuming elevation probably isn’t more than 10-20 ft about sea level where he’s at
  3. Yeah I shut it off after he said that, his car would be in the air with winds that strong, maybe take 100 mph off
  4. Holy shit wasn’t this thing a 85 kt cat 2 when I went to sleep 8 hours ago…
  5. Only 6.81” of rain on the month for me but 4.86” in the last week. Today will probably add another inch to the monthly total
  6. 91, 92, 91, 93 back home during that heatwave. Yesterday was the hottest day so far this year, beating a few 92’s going back to May. Looks like a midnight high of 78 today
  7. Max: 140 Max at landfall: 125 Pressure at landfall: 938 mb Landfall: Morgan City
  8. Ida just seems like a name that was going to get retired one day tbh. Like some names just have that tone to them that somehow fits a major hurricane
  9. Yeah first call is always conservative, especially when storms threaten the US coast, probably to not cause any immediate panic and just in case models are overestimating the strengthening. That’s definitely one of the highest initial forecasts by the NHC I’ve seen for an Atlantic storm though. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Cat 3 or even 4 predicted by tomorrow.
  10. Hit 90 and 92 back at home the past two days, looks like a fun little heat wave im missing out on. Not even that humid either, dewpoints were only in the 60s
  11. Im surprised Lee was never retired, if i remember correctly it’s one of the costliest storms not to have that done
  12. Approaching 2.5” of rain in Lindenhurst now, im upstate right now so not sure of the status of any flooding. Had 4” with that other tropical storm in july
  13. I thought we were going to lose it for sure, but I think the non power outage streak my house/street has is going to continue. Haven't lost power since Sandy and now we're pushing on ten years straight
  14. I’m surprised there’s still a hurricane warning up for western suffolk, there is no way we see even tropical storm force sustained winds at this point, nevermind hurricane force
  15. That chase video might honestly be the strongest non tornadic winds ever recorded on tape. Absolutely amazing but sometimes I feel bad being fascinated by these things when I see the aftermath of stuff like that
  16. I wish I was around for easternwx, sounds like it was an awesome place
  17. I’m leaving for school today so it’s quite fitting that we’d be threatened by hurricane, that would have gone way OTS 99.99% of the time, within days after I leave
  18. The wind damage from gloria was definitely worse here in suffolk county, at least that’s what my dad says, I wasn’t born yet. From what I’ve read wind gusts might have been as high as 115 mph in eastern suffolk and western suffolk probably had gusts to around 90 or so, which is similar to sandy. But I don’t think there were any big storms that took out a lot of trees like Irene and the 2010 noreaster did before Sandy, prior to Gloria, so maybe that was why damage appeared worse. Surge was definitely way worse with Sandy; Gloria hit at low tide
  19. Hit 91/69 for the high today, so officially a heat wave here in Lindenhurst
  20. 92/72 for the high today, currently 91/70 . Not as humid as yesterday but heat index still hit 100
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