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Posts posted by Intensewind002

  1. 3 hours ago, LibertyBell said:

    I get those confused lol, I knew it was either 6 or 12 haha.  Jan 2016 might have been 12 and Feb 2017 might have been 6.  Jan 2018 I dont remember at all.  Which was the one where there was a white out all day and you couldn't see anything outside and Boston set their surge record?


    That was Jan 2018 im pretty sure

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  2. 4 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    Thats why I consider Jan 2016 a super blizzard JFK met blizzard criteria for six straight hours so it was a 2x blizzard.

    Out here on LI it was like 11 hours straight lol

    The only other ones that even came close to that was February 2017 with 7 hours and January 2018 with 8 hours

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  3. 44 minutes ago, LibertyBell said:

    It's not that, it's purely statistical based on how rare double digit snowstorms are in a hostile pattern.   And where I live double digit snowstorms no longer happen in March.   I would say that from now until the end of the season the chance of a 10 inch snowstorm are less than 10 percent.  6 inches?  Maybe 25 percent


    4-6 inch storms are a different beast altogether and can happen in any pattern.  It's why I specifically referred to double digit snowstorms as being extremely unlikely, not the smaller ones.




    We had an 18” storm only a few years ago in suffolk, march 2018. Did western Nassau get shafted in that one?

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