No storm will ever beat Hurricane Barry from a few years back in terms of ugliness, that thing was literally just a big rain band with literally no convection over or north of the center. How it managed to attain hurricane strength is a mystery of the universe considering I've seen 40 kt tropical storms that looked better
I remember laughing at your prediction (in a friendly way lol) but then thinking “Imagine he’s right? What a coup that would be.” And here we are, with a 4/0/0 season so far. I had 21/9/4 and at this point I’m thinking there’s a better chance Long Island gets hit by a Cat 4 this year than that happening
Only .02” of rain from my weather station last night. I’m in Virginia and last night i saw some heavy rain for the first time since like June. July finished with only around half an inch of rain imby
I was only an 11 year old kid but I remember that being the hottest day I’ve ever experienced, it was like 102 with a dewpoint of 75. Heat index was like 115-120
97/65 for the high here, easily the hottest day here since July 2020, the lack of humidity really helped. Temps have backed off to 94 now that the seabreeze has picked up. I would be in the pool rn if I didn’t get a nasty sunburn on Wednesday
86/78 for the high today here so technically no heatwave (although I think it should qualify with a Td that high). .13” of rain from that storm earlier so finally reached half an inch on the month