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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. The crops this year are getting hit hard in some areas, and last year was really bad overall. Hope folks are stocking up best they can, and practice fasting. Our forefathers had to go through stuff like this, what makes us better than them? The age of gluttony coming to an end? Just food for thought.
  2. Dr Roy Spencer put up a blog post concerning this event. Read it here. Shows how often derechos hit certain areas of the country and sat image comparison. http://www.drroyspencer.com/2020/09/derecho-iowa-corn-damage-imaged-by-satellite/
  3. Currently in the mid-upper 50's around here. Heater kicked on this morning, but that's just par for the course. Believe it or not, I keep the thermostat on during the summer. It still kicks on in early June, and a couple times during the summer. Why? Because it keeps the cob webs from building up, and I know it will run when I need it. Just like a car that sits too long will have more problems when you run it again, than if you run it off and on.
  4. Frost and freeze warnings out for Tues and Wed mornings. Just like I thought in my fall forecast. Early Sept really getting on the cool side now.
  5. Another very nice day, but that's over tonight with 40mph+ winds and chilly weather on tap. Winds set to peak during the overnight. Gale warnings up over big lake.
  6. Another beautiful day with temps in the low 70's. One more nice day tomorrow with a chance of storms, then bye-bye late summer weather.
  7. I'll get around to the big holidays soon.
  8. For that time of year, I'd expect some white stuff.
  9. Next weeks rains south/east of me should be cleared out by Friday(11th) into Saturday(12th) with maybe the eastern most areas of our region still seeing some Sat. At least my models are suggesting that, and gov models look ok with that too, today.
  10. Pleasant day today with temps around 70. Quite the seasonal day. Unfortunately, October weather for next week around here. I like Fall, but the abrupt change is harsh so early in the season. Seems my forecast of a cooler first half of Sept, with widespread frost/freeze potential in the north areas, should pan out for most.
  11. Well, looks like a pretty close forecast. I'll let you guys rate it good or bad. Enjoy your weekend. Oh, and BTW, expect a forecast for Halloween to be very similar to the Labor Day one.
  12. A very cool windy day in my area. 61 with winds gusting to 40. They are slowly dying off tho. Early Fall has definitely arrived.
  13. Cool day yesterday with some thunder late. Today is breezy west winds with temps in the low 70's. More rain on tap tonight. Gale warnings out for the lake, especially for tomorrow a.m.. Up to 40 kts(45mph) hitting the Bayfield peninsula and Apostle islands. Windy day on tap around here tomorrow a.m..
  14. And so ends met summer. On the warm side for a couple cities in the area.
  15. Looks like this forecast is gonna pan out like I figured. Few more days to get yet tho.
  16. Finally, it's summer again on the north shore of the big lake. Sunny and in the low 80's. Last few days of fog, and low clouds with maybe some sun for a couple hrs in the aftrn was getting old. Felt like Sept had come already.
  17. Well, it's been cooler with a lake breeze out of the NE with fog at night and a.m. the last couple days. Hints of early fall near the north shore of the big lake.
  18. Thought I'd try my hand at making a slide show map for the weekend. Just something simple. Wonder if this will work out like this.
  19. The Lake definitely governs your weather. Snows like the mountains until ice up, if it ices up. Hwy 2 is an ugly drive during the winter.
  20. My own personal one. It's a fun hobby and very complicated.
  21. Gorgeous weather for my area the last couple days. Mid 70's with low humidity. Perfect summer weather.
  22. Potential looks good, but mainly Upper Midwest/N Lakes tho. So I guess we shall see. As your username implies, your ready, so bring IT!!
  23. Between CA and the Lakes, it sure keeps it interesting. NWS mets struggle with forecasting our area. Accents are much more prevalent up there than here. Pretty well mixed in my town. An "ayy" now and again comes up, but "sure, you betcha" is more common.
  24. A lot of strong warm fronts are mixed in my model so hence the mixed bag reference, so there will be that potential SE of my location. The N Plains have the strongest potential for a below normal Fall.
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