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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. Wonder how the crops will fair, going from freezing temps up to blowtorch wx. Red River Valley looking at 100 degree weather.
  2. 2 day record heat wave looks to be rivaling that of 1988, but 1988 was a bit longer in duration. That lasted about a week. And I get to be a little cooler than the rest near the Lake. Works for me! Temps will still be up there well into next week, tho, with 80's still holding strong away from the Lake.
  3. Near record to record heat up my way this weekend. Highs in the upper 80's to low 90's expected. Sweatin time coming early this year.
  4. More record lows this morning with temps being very similar to yesterday morning. Impressive 2 day run on cold mornings. These last 3 days have been running -10 to -20 below normal putting the smackdown on the monthly avg. Should end up around 1.0 - 1.5 tho after being in the 3 range.
  5. Lots of cold this morning. Many records broken.
  6. Record lows for May 28 are around mid - upper 20's for NE MN, so yeah, could be some serious smashing in the a.m.. Ugly stuff. From suntan lotion to "throw another log on the fire" LOL!
  7. Colder than me this time of year when I'm below normal. Rather impressive indeed.
  8. High of 82 yesterday. Canadian air flowing in today with a high around 60 this afternoon. Normal late May wx, but still a little cooler than avg. Chilly end to May with frost advisories for the next couple a.m.'s.
  9. It's in the NOWdata at the NWS Duluth site. Grand Portage:Calendar summaries: Snowfall: Daily max https://w2.weather.gov/climate/xmacis.php?wfo=dlh EDIT: Cli-mate MRCC also has that data. Just looked it up there. But the temps were logged as no cooler than 40, so someone made a huge typo. LOL
  10. Speaking of late snows, I just came across this from Grand Portage, MN. It's in the NE corner of NE MN just south of the Canadian border. July 3rd-12th 9.0" 7/3/1897 8.9" 7/4/1897 5.8" 7/5/1897 2.1" 7/6/1897 2.2" 7/7/1897 12.1" 7/8/1897 6.5" 7/9/1897 0.1" 7/10/1897 1.5" 7/11/1897 0.2" 7/12/1897 That's insane! LOL!!
  11. LOL. Kind of disgusting that the models are showing that, but some rn/sn mix or maybe a brief turn over to snow in the early a.m. Friday is possible away from the Lake. Possible frost advisories are being mentioned, too, for Sat a.m.. But that's not unusual. We can have frost up to mid June, like last year. EDIT: BTW the latest measurable snowfall in Duluth above a trace is the 28th (0.4" 1965). The day prior on the 27th had 2.0" in 1932. So we shall see if the 28th bears fruit.
  12. Interesting last couple days. Saturday had a high of 81, then shwrs/stms (0.88") Sat night. Sunday I had a whopping high of 41! A mere 50 so far today. Tomorrow looks like it's back to around 80 for a day. Lilacs are starting to bloom already. That's ahead of normal for me by at least couple weeks. Life next to Lake Superior is what it is.
  13. Since Wed, I've had 0.70" of rain. Much needed. Very mild today, and a little humid out. It's 72 with a dewpoint of 63. Nice early summer weather.
  14. A little light rain this aftrn with fog that rolled in off the Lake. A much needed wet stretch coming up in the next 7 days with a little thunder possible. Dandelions are pretty thick in the lawns around here this week as the temps were very nice for mid May.
  15. My July 4 weekend forecast. On Saturday, I'm expecting a system to pass through our region, with another one affecting the western areas on the 4th. So dodging rain and storms on the holiday weekend. Nothing new there.
  16. Interesting chart from NWS Duluth. Been really quiet on the storm front this year. And the upcoming forecast is pretty quiet as well for the next 7 days. Looks like 2016, 2018, and 2019 had similar later starts.
  17. This something you normally see in NE MN this time of year, not N IL/IN. Enjoy the chill.
  18. I downloaded and used anomalies for the charts. Cleaner bar chart, and can clearly see the trends as before. https://psl.noaa.gov/cgi-bin/data/testdap/timeseries.pl
  19. Well, April data in and was considered a little above the norm with WI and MI ending pretty mild for April with the rest of us near avg.
  20. Darn close call. Looks like the wet weather will be coming quickly through on Ma's day with some early am snow possible for some. I thought it would be through, except for lingering wx in the east, but looks like that won't happen till evening.
  21. Made it into the low 80's today. An awesome summer day on the 1st of May. Top 5 heat with some records broke. But tomorrow, reality sets in with more normal early May weather on tap. Chilly Lake winds and some rain possible (mainly south of me).
  22. After a chilly, wet few days in the 30s and 40s, finally going above 50 today. Back to more avg temps and sunshine. Could even see mid 60s here by Saturday.
  23. Snowed again last night. Turned my newly greened up lawn into a sea of white for a while. Since then steady light rain today with about a 1/2" so far. Temps running in the mid-upper 30's this aftrn. Temps slated to warm back to more avg levels later this week. Will feel real good to have 55-60 deg weather back.
  24. My Father's day forecast has a cold front entering our region kicking off shwrs/stms.
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