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Brian D

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Everything posted by Brian D

  1. I see the moniker given to past Ground Hogs day events that were quite significant as GHD I, II for the southern area of this sub forum. In what years did they happen? 2: Regardless of the waving tail effect of the model runs, this looks to be one of those events. I don't see any major back down of QPF in whatever form. So would you like me to change the title now to GHD III? Hit the like button for 2
  2. Big travelers destination up here from folks all over the country, even the world. It is a beautiful place to live.
  3. Great lakes ice conditions as of today from Canadian Ice Service. Going to build up ever quicker through next month. Definitely going to be a high ice year for the lakes.
  4. Temps warmed into the upper 20's here in town today. Furnace getting a bit of a respite from the hard running the last few days. Glad to get some warmer weather, but it's not gonna last. Feb is going to be another month of bitter waves.
  5. GFS is seeing what I think, too, will be a rather chilly Valentine's Day.
  6. Temps steadily rose to the mid 20's by 2-3am last night. The front went through, and now its mid teens with a breezy NW wind. One more cold night on tap before a nice reprieve from the bitter stuff.
  7. Winds up to 40mph out the SW today. Wind chills -10 to -20 with upper single digit temps.
  8. I've had this time frame posted in the "Holiday forecast 2022" thread for a potential storm around Groundhogs Day. Gov models keep hinting at it too, so, since things are so quiet, why not start a thread on this potential mess of a situation. For me, just some light snow at the start, but the southern area of the sub looks really messy. Post your thoughts, and lets see what happens.
  9. Been a cold month up here. Avg temps run 15-20 for highs with 5 to-5 for the lows for the month. That comes from a large spread of temps in any given Jan. Monthly avg std dev is about 6-7d.
  10. -20's to -30's during the night around the area. Winds switched to SW and temps started rising. Here in town we stay a good 10-15d warmer than inland on the lows. All month so far we have been -15 to -20 on the coldest mornings. Yesterday was the coldest high at -1. The only sub zero high this month. Now back to near average temps the next few days. Thankfully.
  11. In looking at the above charts, it kinda looks like we are experiencing weather patterns of 100 + yrs ago. Interesting.
  12. Research over perception. Interesting results.
  13. -20's & -30's here in the north with wind chills in the -40's. Another cold one this morning. Not uncommon to come off a string of cold days to end up with a storm within a few days. Heard it got down to -31 in Caanan Valley, WV. All time low at that station there. Impressive for that part of the country. It is up high in the mountains there I guess.
  14. Highs today 0/5 with -20's tonight. Wind chill adv/warn out for a large area tonight into the morning. 0/-5 highs tomorrow.
  15. 0.6" last night. Now a couple days of very cold weather again.
  16. Someone mentioned this sub forum too big, and different. That's what makes it so cool. Many systems affect us a little differently, like heavy snow my way with tornadoes in the southern areas. Or, like this thread, pretty much the same stuff going on at slightly different times for all of us. Or you all getting very mild/hot, while I need a light jacket, or a frost advisory goes up. This sub forum rocks!
  17. Looks like 1-3" swath right in between us. Snow moving in from the NW. Should be here soon for D-1" this evening.
  18. As long as you all are OK. 4wd means nothing if there is any ice on the pavement. Was she even using it?
  19. From this to this . Glad to see you guys getting into some action. Curious about early Feb. Groundhog surprise?? That'll be for another day.
  20. 1.0" here. More light snow came through during the night. Looks like 1-3" coming Sun night.
  21. Dusting that got blown all over. Any official measurement will be from snow that blew in on the board. There is a little more headed this way to bring the count up a little more, tho.
  22. Light snow nearly here with gusty SW winds at 30-40 mph.
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